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                       creation).  When her People fell into the hand of the enemy, and there were none to help
                       her, the adversaries looked on, mocking her SABBATHS!!!!!!

                       Jerusalem has sinned so grievously that she has become a thing UNCLEAN (because she
                       is not keeping Jahwah’s Sabbaths).  All who know her despise her, having seen her un-
                       cleanness.  She herself groans and turns away.  Her UNCLEANNESS WAS IN HER

                       The tzizot/fringes were in the skirt.  See Numbers 15:37-40. “Then it will be to you for a
               fringe, that you may look upon it, and remember all the commands of Jahwah, and do them; and that
               you do not go about after YOUR OWN HEART AND YOUR OWN EYES, after which you usually
               go astray; so that you may remember and do ALL My commands (including his lunar weekly Sab-
               baths), and be HOLY to your Elohim.”

                       She gave no thought to her fate/future – She did not recognize her reward.  Therefore her
                       downfall was appalling, with none to comfort her.  O Jahwah, look at her misery for the
                       adversary has waxed great/LIFTED UP.

                       The term “lifted up” is important in the study of the Babylonian ziggurats – especially the
               temple of “E-Saggil,” which means “The House of the Raising of the Head.”

                       On page 95 of  The Hibbert Lectures 1887 by Sayce we find reference to this
               lifting/raising up of the head:  “The temple itself stood on the east side of Babylon, and had existed
               since the age of Khammuragas (B.C.2250), and the first dynasty which had made Babylon its capi-
               tal.  It bore the tile of E-Sagila or E-Saggil, an Accadian name signifying “the house of the RAIS-
               ING OF THE HEAD.” Note 1: ‘saggil’ is rendered by the Assyrian zabal, and the Hebrew

                       The Hebrew term zebul will give us further light upon this “lifting up.”  The Dictionary of
               New testament Theology – Volume 3 – page 469 states: “Beelzeboul could be derived from
               ba’al zebul, lord of the heights, i.e. of heaven, and so lord of heaven or god of heaven.

                       The Dictionary of Old Testament Theology and Exegesis – volume 1 – page 1074 further
               states: “Although Gamberoni contends that there is no semantic continuity between the Akk. zbl
               and Heb. Root zbl, some propose an Akk. Root (zabalu) carrying the basic idea of ‘lift up, bear’
               i.e., honor some one.   The root is found in the title of several Ugaritic gods.  One of the Ugar, ti-
               tles of Baal is ‘Exalted/Prince, Lord of the Earth…..….. In several contests the Pharisees accuse
               Jesus of casting out demons by the power of the devil, Beelzebul, possible meaning originally, ‘the
               exalted god Baal.’”

                       The Anchor Bible Dictionary -- Volume 1 – page 554  has this to say:  “The other major
               position, again, sees ‘b’l zb’l’ as the original name of the god, which was INTENTIONALLY
               DISTORTED BY SCRIBES….As to the meaning of zbl, the Hebrew Zebul, “lofty abode,’ ‘exalted
               dwelling,’ has been cited (thus: ‘lord of the LOFTY ABODE’)…….in light of the context of 2
               Kings 1, the Ugarit evidence, and the tendency of Hebrew scribes at times to DISTORT CERTAIN

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