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               Concordance #6635 defines “Sebaoth” as:  a mass of persons, espec. organized for war; by impl.
               a campaign, lit. or fig. (spec. hardship, worship); APPOINTED TIME; or host.  The King James
               Bible usually translates “Sebaoth” as “Hosts.” The Standard Dictionary defines hosts as: an
               army, assembly, company, convocation, or gathering; A number of persons met together for a com-
               mon purpose.

                       Thus we have the words “mass of persons, worship, and appointed time” – i.e. “a mass of
               people gathered together at an APPOINTED TIME for the common purpose of worship.”  Wow
               and double wow!!! Jahwah Sebaoth is coming against the false Babylonian APPOINTED TIMES
               HIS SOUL.”

                                                 Abomination of Desolation

                       Now let’s go back to verse 41 where it talks about a “thing of desolation.”  Can this thing
               of desolation be connecting Babel with the “Abomination of Desolation” of Daniel 9:27?

                       (Septuagint) “And one week shall establish the covenant with many: and in the midst of
                       the week My Sacrifice and Drink-offering shall be taken away; and on the TEMPLE shall
                       be the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATIONS; and at the end of the time an end shall be
                       put to the desolation”

                       The Companion Bible note on page 1200 states: “abominations he shall make it desolate
               = the abomination that maketh desolate…This is certainly future. See Matt.24:15.  Our Lord tells
               us where it will stand “in the holy place”: i.e. in the Temple at Jerusalem…..Antiochus, the type of
               “the little horn”, defiled the sanctuary but he did not destroy it.  He cannot therefore be the fulfiller
               of this prophecy, though he foreshadowed him.  Abominations. Jehovah’s name for an “idol”, as
               being what he detest.”

                       Keeping in mind that this scripture is future and not past, let’s look at the word “desola-
               tion”. The Hebrew word for “desolation” is “shamem.” Baal-Shamem was another name for
               Zeus, the Savior – son of Saturn. Saturn was just another name for Nimrod and the Babylonian
               Mystery worship of him.

                       “Desolation” in the dictionary is defined: deserted, abandoned, to forsake, completely
               alone.  If the creation weekly Sabbath were abandoned, truly the Abomination of Desolation would
               dwell over the sanctuary of Jahwah.  This Sabbath Sanctuary where Jahwah dwells would be de-
               serted – abandoned – forsaken. Jahwah would be dwelling there alone as the whole world is
               keeping false sabbaths.  Satan has deceived the WHOLE WORLD.

                       The Judaic Encyclopedia (Volume 2 – page 97-98) describes “The Abomination of Deso-
               lation” as evidently going back to a Hebrew or Aramaic expression found in Daniel 12:11 -
               “desolate” - shamem.  It goes on to equate II Maccabees 6:2 with this “Abomination of Desola-
               tion”.  Antiochus demanded the Temple at Jerusalem be named “Zeus Olympios.”  Mount Olympus
               was the abode of the gods and Zeus was actually Baal Shamem, “The Lord of Heaven/ Desola-
               tion”, who was worshipped at the Jerusalem sanctuary during the persecution.

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