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                       The  Encyclopedia Bibilica says that “Another Baal, whose cultus was more widely dif-
               fused than that of Baal-hammon – in later times he rose above all the local Baals, and perhaps in
               many places supplanted them – was Baal-Shamem, whose name we MUST INTERPRET NOT
               ‘Lord of Heaven,’ but ‘The god who dwells in the heaven,’ to whom the heavens belong.  Baal-
               shamem in Dan. 12:11 (perverted by Jewish wit to Sikkus somem, ‘the appalling abomination’)
               was probably a Roman Jupiter.”

                       The Encyclopedia Bibilica under the title of “Abomination of Desolation” relates:  “The
               phrase appears to be an INTENTION ALTERATION OF “Baal Shamem.” (Note: It was against
               the torah to pronounce the names of pagan gods.) That this was a current title of Zeus may be in-
               ferred from the Syriac of 2 Macc. 6:2, where the temple at Jerusalem is called by the emissary of
               Antiochus ‘the temple of be’el shemin.’  The author of Daniel (whose meaning is correctly given
               by MT) contemptuously says, ‘Call it not ‘heaven’s lord,’ but ‘an appalling abomination.’”

                       Some Biblical historians state that Baal Shamem was also the god spoken of in 1 Kings 18.
               Jezebel had erected an image of Baal Shamem on Mount Carmel and the prophet Elijah came to
               confront this false worship of Baal.  “Now therefore send, and gather to me all Israel unto Mount
               Carmel, and the prophets of Baal four hundred and fifty, and the prophets of the Asherah four hun-
               dred, which eat at Jezebel’s table.” So Ahab sent unto all the children of Israel, and gathered the
               prophets together unto Mount Carmel.  And Elijah came unto all the people and said, “How long
               halt ye between two opinions? If Jahwah be Elohim, follow Him; but If Baal, then follow him.”
               And the people answered him not a word.” (1 Kings 18:19-21)

                       Another reference to “Shamen” is found in Jeremiah 10 (verses 1, 2, 19-25) when he is ad-
               dressing the House of Israel:

                       Hear ye the word which Jahwah speaketh unto you, O HOUSE OF ISRAEL: (Thus this
                       applies also to modern Israel which includes the USA.)  “Thus saith Jahwah, ‘Learn not
                       the CUSTOMS OF THE HEATHEN, ….For the customs of the people are vain/empty/
                       lead astray…For thus saith Jahwah: …..“Woe is me for my hurt! My wound is severe.
                       But I said, ‘Truly this is a grief and I must bear it.’  My tent/tabernacle is destroyed, and
                       all my cords are broken; My CHILDREN HAVE LEFT ME AND ARE GONE; there is
                       NO ONE LEFT to pitch my tent (There is no one there – It is DESOLATE);  to raise its
                       curtains.  The shepherds/pastors of the people ARE STUPID.  THEY NEVER CON-
                       SULT JAHWAH, therefore they have not wisdom and their entire flock is scattered…….
                       Pour out your anger on the nations that do not acknowledge you; On families that do not
                       invoked you by name; For they have devoured Jacob; They have devoured him and CON-
                       SUMED HIM and have left his home to SHAMEM/desolation (Baal-Shamem)!!!!”

                       Jeremiah again talks about “Shamem” in Jer. 12:1-13:

                       Jahwah, you are always right when I bring a case before you.  But I would like to discuss
                       some points of justice/judgment with you: Why do the wicked prosper? Why do dishonest
                       men succeed?  You planted them; They have taken root; They keep on growing and bear-
                       ing fruit.  You are always on their lips but far from their hearts.  But you, O Jahwah,
                       know me; You see me and test me – my heart is with you, i.e. how I love you.  Drag them

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