Page 61 - BV2
P. 61

                       Thus Babylon will become a heap of ruins, a DWELLING PLACE FOR DRAGONS.....
                       The Babylonians all roar like LIONS, growling like lion cubs over their prey.

                       Two more links back to the dragon and beast of Revelation 13:2: “And the beast which I
               saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of
               a LION: and the DRAGON gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.”

                       But while they (the Babylonians) are inflamed/aroused, I will prepare a feast for them -
                       make them drunk and happy, till they sleep the sleep that knows no waking.

                       Could this refer to the feasts of the pagan week, i.e. Friday (Muslims) – Saturday (Jews
               and followers) – Sunday (Roman Catholics and Daughters)?  Has this feast lulled them into a sleep
               from which there is no waking?

                       I will take them like lambs to the slaughter, like rams and goats. How is Sheshach (Babel)
               captured? How is the pride of the whole world surprised?  How has Babel become a thing of
               desolation among the nations?

                       The “thing of desolation” will be discussed in detail later in the study.

                       The sea has surged over Babel, she is covered by its roaring waves.  Her cities are desola-
                       tion (Shammah), a dry land, and a wilderness,…..I will punish Bel/Baal (the worship of
                       the Sacred Hebdomad – the sun, the moon, and the five planets – 1 Kings 23:3-5) in
                       Babylon, and I will bring forth out of his mouth that which he had swallowed up and the
                       nations will not flow together any more unto him.

                       Yea, the wall of Babylon must fall.  Come out of her my people!  (Come out of the wor-
                       ship of the Sacred Hebdomad.)  Run for your lives!  Save your souls, each of you, from
                       the fierce anger of Jahwah.….Though Babylon/Babel should MOUNT UP TO HEAVEN,
                       and make strong her TOWERS (ziggurat towers of Babel) in the heights, I will send de-
                       stroyers against her, says Jahwah.  The sound of a cry comes from Babel, and (the sound
                       of) great destruction and ruin from the land of the Chaldeans (the astrologers)! For Jah-
                       wah is destroying Babel and laying her waste and STILLING HER GREAT VOICE….
                       (the voice that has given false doctrine to the world).

                       A destroyer has come against Babel; her warriors are captured, and their bows are broken.
                       “I will make her officials and wise men drunk, her captains, and her rulers (including the
                       President of the US), and her mighty men as well;  they will sleep forever and not
                       awake,” declares the King, whose name is Jahwah Sebaoth.  Thus says Jahwah Sebaoth:
                       “Babylon’s thick wall will be leveled and her HIGH GATES (Bab-bel, as in Tower of Ba-
                       bel -- which was indeed a HIGH GATE -- means Gate of Bel) set on fire; the peoples ex-
                       haust themselves for nothing, the nations’ labor is only fuel for the flames.

                       Jahwah is speaking here under the title of “Sebaoth.”  In order to get the wisdom of this
               scripture, we must understand in what capacity He is speaking. Sometimes He speaks as Elyon
               (The Most High), or El Shaddai (The Almighty), or Roi (My Shepherd), etc. The Strong’s

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