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                       their time of punishment.….Thus I will repay Babylon and all the inhabitants of Chaldea
                       for all the evil/wickedness they have done in Zion (the kingdom/government of Jahwah),
                       declares Jahwah. Behold, I am against thee, DESTROYING MOUNTAIN , saith Jahwah,
                       which DESTROYS ALL THE EARTH.

                       Take special note: The earthly dwelling house (a ziggurat) for Bel was first named “Ekur”
               which meant “The Mountain of the earth.” Falsifying Sabbaths is very much a part of Babylon’s
               wickedness. Will their false time for Sabbath turn into their TIME OF PUNISHMENT?

                       I will stretch out my hand against you and remove your foundation from the rock, and
                       will make you a BURNT MOUNTAIN.….Thus the earth will tremble and sorrow for every
                       purpose of Jahwah will be performed against Babel/Babylon – to make the land of Babel
                       a desolation without inhabitant……For Jahwah Sebaoth, the Elohim of Israel, says this:
                       ‘The daughter of Babylon (the Babylon of today) is like a threshing-floor when wheat is
                       ready to be threshed; very soon harvest time will come for her.  Jerusalem (the capital city
                       of Jahwah's kingdom) has said, Nebuchadnezzar THE KING OF BABYLON HAS DE-
                       VOURED ME.  He has made me like an empty vessel.  HE HAS SWALLOWED ME UP
                       LIKE A DRAGON.

                       It would be very beneficial at this point to know more about the name of “Nebuchadnez-
               zar,” the king of Babylon, as he represents the head of Daniel’s golden image.  The name means
               “May Nebo protect the crown.”  But who is Nebo?

                       In Bible Dictionary, Wm. Smith defines this god Nebo in this way:  “Nebo, which occurs
               both in Isaiah, Isa.46:1, and Jeremiah, Jer. 48:1, as the name of a CHALDEAN GOD, is a well-
               known deity of the Babylonians and Assyrians.….His general character corresponds to that of the
               Egyptian Thoth, the Greek Hermes (same as Nimrod) and the Latin Mercury.  Astronomically he is
               identified with the PLANET NEAREST THE SUN.  In Babylonia, Nebo held a prominent place
               from an early time. The ancient town of Borsippa was especially under his protection, and the
               great temple here, the modern Birs-Nimrud (Nimrod), was dedicated to him from a very remote
               age.  He was the tutelar (pertaining to a guardian) god of the most important Babylonian kings, in
               whose names the word “Nabu” or “Nebo” appears as an element.”

                       The Hibbert Lectures 1887 by A.H. Sayce give further insight on this god Nebo and his
               temple at Borsippa: Borsippa, it would seem, had once been an independent town, and Nebo,
               ….had been its protecting deity.  In the middle of the city rose E-Zida, the temple of Nebo….“the
               supreme house of life,” and its lofty TOWER termed “the house of the seven spheres of heaven and
               earth.”  It had been founded, though never finished, according to NEBUCHADNEZZAR, by an an-
               cient king.  For long centuries it had remained a heap of ruin, until restored by Nebuchadnezzar,
               and legends had grown up thickly around it.”

                       Sayce further explains “….the ziggurat or tower of his (Nebo’s) temple at Borsippa had the
               name of “the house of the seven bonds of heaven and earth.”  The seven “bonds” seem to represent
               THE SEVEN PLANETS, or rather their stations; the TOWER was in SEVEN stages, and each
               stage was painted so as to symbolize the colours symbolical of the SEVERAL PLANETS.  Nebo
               must, therefore, have once been an elemental god, or at all events a god connected with the chief of

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