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                In short, and in all honesty, what James confirms is  It is now possible to reconstruct the correct chronol-
                that Coptic is not the original language of the hiero-  ogy of Ancient Egypt. To accomplish this reconstruc-
                glyphs. There are very few words even remotely identi-  tion all that is necessary is to know the true language
                fiable as Coptic and the proposition that the Coptic  of the Egyptian Hieroglyphs and to be able to read
                words changed wholesale into other different words  them. They are being read now -- "the stones are cry-
                has to be completely unacceptable.             ing out!"

                If one has to rely on mere deduction then it is nothing                   -- Research Consultants for the Wake Up!
                less than guesswork. Why resort to Hebrew; why not                                                                         Magazine.
                Chinese or Urdu or Swahili? The fact that Egyptolo-
                gists use the word "interpretation" instead of "reading,"
                speaks volumes. Champollion's "solution" was seized    The Tower of Babel
                on and accepted in 1822. Since then no one has been
                able to offer any alternative. The fraud has stood for  The Tower of Babel is no mere figment of the imagi-
                178 years and is carried as fact in all reference books.  nation, but it was a mighty construction work. Archae-
                It is a common phenomenon among scholars, that  ologists confirm that such towers were built in and
                when people think the work has been done they leave  around Babylon, and it is thought the most probable
                the subject alone to let others continue tinkering with  site of the Tower of Babel is the ruined temple of Ete-
                the results. This is certainly the case with the  menanki, which was within Babylon's walls. One
                                                               authority refers to the unearthing of ancient records
                                                               and inscriptions concerning this structure, saying: "It
                The proposition is now alarmingly simple for the "ex-  was so high, apparently, that its pinnacle was in fact
                perts" to consider. Correct readings must generate  constantly toppling, and there are many records of its
                correct information which in turn must make way for a  repair. In several of these we find the ominous words
                correct reconstruction of the ancient chronology and  'Its top shall reach the heavens.' Nebuchadrezzar, for
                order of things.                               instance, writes: 'I raised the summit of the Tower of
                                                               stages at Etemenanki so that its top rivalled the heav-
                In summary this brings us to the following essential  ens.' George Smith [in Chaldean Account of Genesis
                points:                                        (1880)] also quotes a remarkable fragment relating to
                                                               the collapse of such a ziggurat: 'The building of this
                1/. It is frequently claimed that in early attempts to de-  temple offended the gods. In a night they threw down
                cipher the hieroglyphs of Egypt, every known language  what had been built. They scattered them abroad, and
                -- both ancient and modern -- was tried in vain.  made strange their speech. The progress they im-
                                                               peded.' -- a passage which is certainly reminiscent of
                2/. This is not true, as one very ancient language was  the Bible story."
                excluded from these efforts.
                                                                    -- All Scripture Is Inspired of God and Beneficial,
                3/. Other claims were made that the histories were                                                                           page 331.
                scoured to try to find mention of the hieroglyphs and
                how to decipher them.

                4/. Again, this is not true, as one ancient history has a
                very clear statement on how to decipher the hiero-
                glyphs. It is no accident that this History is of the same
                nation and therefore the same source as the untried

                5/. Politics have played a large part in this situation and
                it would have been totally "politically incorrect" for
                J.C. Champollion, or indeed other researchers, to even
                consider using the information in this unpopular

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