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                Since the problem was claimed to have been solved in  word-values themselves have passed out of the written
                1822, the decipherment system has remained more or  language."
                less moribund, despite enormous advances being made
                in every other field of science. The absence of records  This is an astonishing admission, as Wallis-Budge is
                of biblical characters from the hieroglyphic records of  clearly saying that there were -- he guesses -- words
                Egypt must have bewildered millions during the 175  which have vanished and which have been replaced by
                years since decipherment was said to be possible. This  quite different words. In this context an "Owl" hiero-
                fact alone should have alerted scholars that something  glyph could maybe give any other letter than "M" de-
                was not right -- but since the Darwinian revolution of  rived from "mulotch." It may be "A, B, C, D...L, M,
                the 1860s, the biblical texts have been subject to the  N...W, Y," in fact anything depending on the long lost
                greatest critism, even to the point of doubting that  unknown original word.
                Moses was ever in Egypt. On this, the record can now
                be set to rights -- and much else besides.     If an ancient inscription were dug up in, say France,
                                                               would it be legitimate to try to read it in an amalgam of
                With no one to challenge the "experts" until now, there  mixed Hebrew, Greek and Assyrian? The only question
                has not been any advance since the 32-year-old  that should actually arise is "Which language is it?" The
                Frenchman, Jean-Francois Champollion (1790-1832),  notion that hieroglyphs were written in a mixture of
                put out his theory in 1822. The fact is, he barely  Coptic, Hebrew and Aramaic and that words in Coptic
                scratched the surface of things but in so doing sent  have themselves changed beyond all recognition is
                scholars into a dead-end study.                nonsense. Either the hieroglyphs were written in Cop-
                                                               tic or they were not. It is that simple. Research is
                The theory that the dead language of the Egyptian Cop-  showing that the hieroglyphs of Ancient Egypt were
                tic Christians was the ancient popular language of the  not written in Coptic with recourse to Hebrew and
                Egyptians, was first put forward by Athanasius Kircher  Aramaic -- and that is why there is chronological chaos
                in 1643. Champollion pursued this theory, being fa-  in the disorder of ancient history.
                miliar with both Greek and Coptic -- he was thus pre-
                convinced that Coptic was the language of the hiero-  This brings us to the words of the perplexed T.G.H.
                glyphs. In the event, his method was not to translate at  James, former keeper of Egyptian Antiquities at the
                all, but to look merely for comparisons.       British Museum, who, when commenting on Champol-
                                                               lion's "decipherment system" wrote:
                The cracks in Champollion's edifice have been evident
                for a long time. E.A. Wallis-Budge, who studied hiero-  "So cumbrous and illogical does this multiplicity of
                glyphic decipherment in depth, noted that only around  Signs seem, that it is hard to understand the process of
                100 words were identifiable as Coptic in the proposed  thought by which it was evolved, and even more diffi-
                translation of the hieroglyphs. In 1910 Wallis-Budge,  cult to imagine why it should have continued with so
                in dealing with the Coptic, wrote:             little development over so long a period of time."

                "In the same way the other letters of the Egyptian Al-  Further  perplexed  by the claims  of  Champollion
                phabet were derived, though it is not always possible to  that the hieroglyphs were based on Coptic, James
                say what the word-value of a character was originally."
                                                               again put his finger on the problem without perhaps re-
                                                               alizing the immensity of what can only be described as
                This means that the hieroglyph of an "Owl" is given the  a fraud, when he wrote:
                value of "M" simply because the Coptic word for Owl
                is "mulotch" beginning with "M," but the original word  "The method had however its limitations both because
                might have been something else. It gets very much  the Egyptian words which had been preserved in Coptic
                worse as Wallis-Budge confirms:
                                                               were few in comparison with the immense Hiero-
                                                               glyphic vocabulary, and because many words had de-
                "In many cases it is not easy to find the word-values of  veloped so far from their forms in earlier times as to
                an alphabet sign even by reference to Coptic, a fact  be difficult to recognize as derivatives...When Coptic
                which seems to indicate that the alphabet characters  could offer no assistance in interpreting a word, it was
                were developed from word-values so long ago that the  necessary to resort to either a  deduction...or to

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