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Roots of the Messiah

                                                        It is a well known fact that there are no verses in the Bible
                                                        that say YEHOVAH God formed or re-created a seed by
                                                        the holy spirit and placed it within Mary's womb. There is
                                                        such overwhelming evidence in both the Old and New
                                                        Testaments showing where Yeshua the Messiah came
                                                        from that it is hard to understand how it can be over-
                                                        looked by so many people.

                                                        It is also appalling to realize to what extent tampering by
                                                        interpolation of the New Testament took place. The fact
                                                        is, this corruption was so extensive that not all educated
                                                        theologians are aware of the tampering since it has not
                                                        been presented to them during the years they spent in col-
                                                        lege. Fortunately, many old Christian manuscripts, that
                                                        were hidden away or forgotten over the centuries, are still
          Hope of Israel Ministries (Church of          being discovered to this day.
          The Berean Voice Magazine                     YEHOVAH God is quite clear on where the seed of the
                                                        Anointed One would come from -- and YEHOVAH said
          P.O. Box 6772                                 nothing about re-creating a special seed, then impregnat-
          Thousand Oaks, CA 91359-6772, U.S.A.          ing a woman, and then have the infant come forth by a
                                                        virgin birth. This is really going to the extremities of ab-
          Website (West Coast):                         surdity and reminds us of the many fabled tales of pagan
                     gods impregnating young maidens to bring forth the he-
                                                        roes of old.
          Website (East Coast):
                     The myth of the virgin birth is a doctrine that has been in
                                                        the religious belief of just about every Gentile (pagan) na-
          E-mail:                 tion. They have nearly all had their similar miraculous
          Fax: (818) 878-9334                           births by the gods, usually with their gods impregnating a
                                                        human virgin woman.
          Editor and Director:  John D. Keyser          We are told that the promised seed would come through

                                                        the LINEAGE OF A MAN -- and that man would be of
          Contributing Writers:                         David's royal line. The Bible clearly indicates that YE-
          Ernest Martin                                 HOVAH's Will shall be fulfilled in David's seed by a Sav-
          W. F. Finlayson                               ior, and that that seed is the Messiah. The important thing
                                                        to remember is that the SEED shall be set up through
          Dave Hunt
                                                        David's body (bowels) -- and that means it had to BE A
                                                        SEED OF MAN, and this FROM MAN shall be set up
          Technical Advisor:  Sean Keyser               for ever by YEHOVAH.

          Hope of Israel Ministries --                  If Yeshua the Messiah did not have an earthly father, he is
                                                        NOT the Scriptural Messiah (Anointed One) of the one
          Preparing the Way for the                     and only Eternal YEHOVAH God! This is a fundamental

          Return of YEHOVAH God                         fact of the Bible that we should never forget! Only if Jo-
                                                        seph was clearly Yeshua's father would Yeshua meet the
          and His Messiah!                              primary necessity of literally being of the seed of David --
                                                        a crucial fact which the virgin birth destroys!
                                                                                                               -- John D. Keyser

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