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52                                                             Futurism: A Jesuit Deception

                 the An gli can Church back to Rome; and they be - about the evil Sa tanic  sys tems  that are de -
                 gan prop a gat ing it. The well-known Scaf fold Bi - stroy ing the Na tion; and the great proph e cies
                 ble also be came a ve hi cle for its spread over the which must yet be ful filled be fore the Mes -
                 churches.                                      siah co mes once and for all and YEHOVAH
                                                                God to se cure  His peo ple  and es tab lish  the
                     The Great Problem with Futurism            King dom of Heaven upon Earth.

                         Through these var i ous  chan nels,  af ter  Futurism, Christianity and the
                 three cen tu ries of fail ure, the Je su its fi nally suc -     Identity
                 ceeded in in fect ing  Prot es tant ism  with the
                 deadly vi rus  of Fu tur ism.  It has spread like a    Fu tur ism  has caused Chris tians  to
                 plague through out    Prot es tant ism  (and the walk con trary to their Protestant (and Church
                 Churches of God), so that to day the Historicist of God) fore fa thers. The Bi ble en cour ages us
                 in ter pre ta tion  which in spired  and guided our to keep to the good, old well-proven paths.
                 Protestant fore fa thers is rarely heard and, in cred -
                 i bly,  Prot es tants  (in clud ing  YEHOVAH’s peo -   All true Chris tians ought to ap pre ci ate
                 ple) are be liev ing dev il ish lies de vised by Je su its  that when the Church achieved its great est tri -
                 for their de struc tion!                       umphs; ex pe ri enced its great est ri vals and en -
                                                                gaged in its great est mis sion ary en deav ors, it
                         The con se quence of this has been a tragic  was guided by the light of the Historicist in -
                 de gen er a tion of Prot es tant ism, so that its lead ing  ter pre ta tion of Bi ble Proph ecy. Since it em -
                 Church men  are pre pared  to unite with the Pa - braced  the   Je suit-ori en tated  Fu tur ist
                 pacy! The great and no ble and sac ri fi cial work in ter pre ta tion, it has sunk to its low est spir i -
                 achieved by the Re formers   in set ting  us free tual state.
                 from the Antichrist is now be ing un done. What
                 the popes failed to ac com plish  through out  the     It is in cred i ble that Fu tur ism had ac tu -
                 cen tu ries  by force, is now be ing  achieved by ally pen e trated  into some Brit ish  Is rael  cir -
                 more sub tle, in sid i ous means.              cles, de spite  the fact that Brit ish  Is rael
                                                                Teaching is firmly based on Historicism and,
                         Fu tur ism  is fa tal  to Prot es tant ism  be - in deed, is a ful fill ment of it. Those in flu enced
                 cause:                                         by Fu tur ism tend to ig nore the Pa pacy and to
                                                                down grade the Ref or ma tion. Any one with a
                 *  By teach ing that Antichrist has still to ap pear, rea son able  un der stand ing  of Brit ish  His tory
                 it is caus ing  Chris tians  to ig nore  the TRUE knows that Great Brit ain’s most per sis tent en -
                 Antichrist -- the Pa pacy, which has bit terly op - emy over the Chris tian Dis pen sa tion has been
                 posed true Chris tian ity  for more than four teen the Pa pacy. As the Pa pacy is the ful fill ment
                 cen tu ries and is still “at it” to day.       of “Bab y lon” its con sis tent en mity against us
                                                                is yet an other con fir ma tion that Brit ain is in -
                 *  By teach ing that the ful fill ment of proph ecy deed Is rael. The fact that no other na tion ben -
                 has ceased over the Chris tian Dis pen sa tion, it is e fit ted  so much from the Ref or ma tion,
                 rob bing Chris tians of God’s guid ance dur ing the be com ing -- as one em i nent his to rian put it --
                 most crit i cal pe riod in the Church’s his tory.  the “For tress  of Prot es tant ism,”  is fur ther
                                                                proof that we are Is rael.
                 *  By teach ing that Je sus can come any mo ment,
                 se cretly, it causes Chris tians to be un con cerned

                                                                                           The Berean Voice
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