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Futurism: A Jesuit Deception 53
Fu tur ism was also wel comed by Chris - ac cep tance of Christ, are wel comed into the
tians who were not will ing to ac cept the Brit ish com pletely ful filled Is rael.
Is rael so lu tion to the prob lem of the ful fill ment
of many proph e cies con cern ing Is rael’s des tiny Will You be Numbered With Those
-- which has def i nitely not been ful filled by the Who are on the LORD’s Side?
Jews. The Fu tur ist teach ing that (YEHOVAH)
God’s “Pro phetic Clock” stopped over the The fol low ing great ser vants of
Church Age and re starts af ter the “se cret rap - (YEHOVAH) God are among the count less
ture” of the Church, en cour aged the ab surd con - peo ple who be lieved and taught the
clu sion that these proph e cies would be ful filled Historicist in ter pre ta tion of proph ecy:
in the Mil len nium by the Jews. This con clu sion Wycliffe, Lu ther, Cal vin, Lati mer, Knox, Sir
ig nores the fact that the greater part of those ab - Isaac New ton, John Foxe, Bun yan, John
sorbed in world Jewry are not re lated to the bib li - Wes ley, Dr. Hud son Tay lor, Bishops Ryle,
cal tribes of Is rael. The proph e sied func tions of Barnes, Words worth, Prin ci pal Candlish...
Is rael as (YEHOVAH) God’s Ser vant Na tion and many oth ers. [While these men did n’t all
were ob vi ously ful filled by Great Brit ain dur ing have the truth re gard ing the ten ets of true
the Chris tian Dis pen sa tion and are un nec es sary Chris tian ity, they were cer tainly cor rect in
in a world un der the su preme con trol of dis avow ing the Fu tur ist in ter pre ta tion of
(YEHOVAH) God and the Mes siah. All Is ra el - proph ecy]. Who can walk con trary to men of
ites who ac cept and obey (YEHOVAH) God and such stat ure, let alone God’s Word [the Bi -
the Mes siah will reign with them dur ing the Mil - ble]?
len nium, as will those oth ers who, through their
For more information on this topic, send for our article A Future Antichrist and
the Secret Rapture -- A Catholic Hoax?
How Is This Work of YEHOVAH God
Y EHOVAH God does have a work on the face of this earth! That work is far be yond the mind and abil ity of
men to un der stand. YEHOVAH is work ing in many dif fer ent ar eas, in many di rec tions, with many dif fer -
ent peo ple to ac com plish that which He in tends to do be fore He re turns to this earth in His Shekinah Glory
at the End of this age. Hope of Is rael Min is tries is a “work” which YEHOVAH God raised up to pro claim His
truth to a dy ing, cor rupt, re bel lious end-time gen er a tion! An im por tant part of our wit ness is to the pres ent and
for mer mem bers of the World wide Church of God, who are pres ently be ing vic tim ized by nu mer ous “wolves in
sheep’s cloth ing.” Part of this work is also to bear wit ness to the truth of YEHOVAH God to mod ern Is rael (the
na tions of the U.S., Brit ain, North-west ern Eu rope, Aus tra lia, New Zea land, South Af rica and, of course, to mod -
ern Ju dah who is er ro ne ously named “Is rael”), and to warn all these na tions where their evil deeds are lead ing.
If you would like to have a part in this “Work,” then we would be more than happy to wel come you on board as a
fel low co-worker and con trib u tor to Hope of Is rael Min is tries. You can have a part in this min is try by you
prayers, tithes and/or of fer ings -- and by shar ing the things you learn from us with your friends and rel a tives.
Thank you for your help and con cern.
The Berean Voice