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86                                                              The Amalekites of the Bible!

                whether “a mil lion of peo ple” in the next sen tence is the num ber of those killed in the plagues or the
                num ber of the in vad ers:

                PAPYRUS 12:6ff: Today fear -- more than a million of people. Not seen -- enemies -- enter into
                the temples -- weep.

                       These in vad ers were the AMU or the HYKSOS who ruled Egypt dur ing the cen tu ries sep a -
                rat ing the MIDDLE KINGDOM and the NEW KINGDOM.

                       Josephus, the first-cen tury A.D. Jew ish his to rian, re cords the words of Manetho who wrote
                sev eral books on the his tory of Egypt:

                       There was a king of ours, whose name was Timaus. Un der him it came to pass, I know not
                       how, that God was AVERSE to us, and there came, af ter a sur pris ing man ner, men of ig no -
                       ble birth OUT OF THE EASTERN PARTS, and had bold ness enough to make an ex pe di -
                       tion into our coun try, and WITH EASE sub dued it by force, yet WITHOUT HAZARDING
                       A BATTLE WITH THEM. So when they had got ten         those that gov erned us un der  their
                       power, they af ter wards burnt down our cit ies, and de mol ished the tem ples of the gods, and
                       used all the in hab it ants af ter a most bar ba rous man ner: nay, some they slew, and led their
                       chil dren and their wives into slav ery. At length they made one of them selves king, whose
                       name was SALATIS....and as he found in the Saite No mos [Seth-roite] a city very proper
                       for his pur pose, and which lay upon the Bubastic chan nel [of the Nile], but with re gard to a
                       cer tain theologic no tion was called AVARIS [RAMESSES], this he REBUILT, and made
                       very strong by the walls he built about it, and by a most nu mer ous gar ri son of two hun dred
                       and forty thou sand armed men whom he put into it to keep it....THIS WHOLE NATION
                       WAS STYLED HYCSOS, that is, SHEPHERD-KINGS....BUT SOME SAY THAT
                       THESE PEOPLE [THE HYKSOS] WERE ARABIANS...."These peo ple, whom we have
                       be fore named kings, and called shep herds also, and their de scen dants," as he [Manetho]
                       says, “kept pos ses sion of Egypt 511 YEARS” (Josephus, Against Apion, bk. I, sec. 14).

                       An an cient tra di tion, which has been pre served by sev eral Ara bian his to ri ans of the Mid dle
                Ages, fur ther proves the ARAB or i gin of Manetho’s hated Hyksos kings. This tra di tion “tells us of
                a cer tain Sheddad (the name means ‘a mighty man’), the son of Ad, who made an IRRUPTION
                INTO EGYPT, con quered the coun try, and ex tended his vic to ri ous cam paign AS FAR AS THE
                STRAIGHTS OF GIBRALTAR. He and his de scen dants,               the FOUNDERS OF THE
                AMALEKITE DYNASTY, are said to have main tained them selves more than two hun dred years in
                Lower Egypt, where they made the town of AVARIS their royal res i dence.”  (A His tory of Egypt
                Un der the Pha raohs, by Henry Brugsch-Bey. Vol. I. John Murray, Lon don. 1881. P.266.)

                                              The “Angels of Destruction”

                       Is the term “shep herd-kings” found any where in the Bi ble? At first glance -- no; but the ex -
                am i na tion of an un usual phrase in Psalms 78 pro vides us with an in ter est ing dis cov ery!

                                                                                           The Berean Voice
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