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The Amalekites of the Bible!                                                              89

                ob jects bear ing the names of Apop and Khian prove that Apop’s words were no vain boast. Some
                his to ri ans are com pelled to be lieve that the Hyksos (Amalekites) com manded a very great em pire.

                       Writes David M. Rohl --

                       The war rior clans men of the early Hyksos/Amalekite chief tains brought their fam i lies with
                       them into Egypt be cause, ac cord ing to the Ara bian tra di tions, the di sas ter which had smit ten
                       Egypt had also des o lated their own home land, forc ing the pop u la tion to mi grate to the rel a -
                       tive safety and abun dance of the Nile val ley and delta. These would be the Asi atic folk of
                       Bietak’s stra tum F at Avaris who “showed lit tle Egyp tian in flu ence” and whose rich grave
                       de pos its  in cluded  damn ing  ev i dence  of their plun der ing  of the na tive  Egyp tian  Mid dle
                       King dom tombs (A Test of Time: The Bi ble from Myth to His tory, 1995, p. 288).

                       The me di eval  Arab au thor  Masudi com mented  that “the Amalekites in vaded  Egypt, the
                fron tier of which they had al ready crossed, and started to rav age the coun smash the ob jects
                of art, to ruin the mon u ments.”

                       Manetho informs us that the Hyksos/Amalekites “treated all the na tives with a cruel hos til -
                ity, mas sa cring some and lead ing into slav ery the wives and chil dren of oth ers.” The in vad ers “set -
                tled at sites such as Avaris in the east ern delta and drove the na tive Egyp tian pha raohs back to their
                cap i tal at Itj-Tawy in Up per Egypt” (Da vid M. Rohl, A test of Time: The Bi ble from Myth to His -
                tory, 1995, p. 289).

                       “The Hyksos,” notes Publius (, “im me di ately  pro ceeded  to kill all the
                Egyp tian males. Many Egyp tians fled to Crete and the Aegean main land where, with the in dig e -
                nous pop u la tion, they re con sti tuted a sem blance of their cul ture. This ac counts for the ar chi tec tural
                sim i lar ity along with the con cept of the ‘Liv ing God’ in the re li gion of the Clas si cal Age...Prior to
                their oc cu pa tion, no Asiatics [apart from the Is ra el ites al ready in the coun try] or sub-Sa hara Blacks
                were per mit ted into Egypt. The Hyksos, in fact, brought in Blacks as slaves...”

                       Adds Peter H. Blustin ( --

                       These tribal lead ers [the Amalekites], pushed south wards by a peo ple called the Hurrians on
                       the one hand and lured by the rich pastyre land and ag ri cul tural land of Egypt on the other,
                       were ar riv ing at a time of great po lit i cal in sta bil ity in Egypt -- the Mid dle King dom  had
                       come to an end and the coun try was be ing ruled by PARALLEL DYNASTIES of weak rul -
                       ers. It was not hard for these dis placed lead ers [the Amalekites] to take power in this dis or -
                       ga nized  sit u a tion.  It does n’t  seem that they en coun tered  much by way of co or di nated
                       re sis tance, per haps  be cause of the pres ence  of a large for eign  pop u la tion al ready  within
                       Egypt, as in di cated by the “Brook lyn Pa py rus” of the 13th dy nasty which lists no less than
                       45 peo ple of Asi atic [Israelitish] or i gin who were mem bers of the house hold of an Up per
                       Egyp tian of fi cial.

                       Dy nasties 15-17 are re garded as that of the Hyksos/Amalekite oc cu pi ers of Egypt. When
                they first ar rived Egypt had just lost its pre em i nent pha raoh and the Egyp tian army to the ac tions of
                YEHOVAH God in the Red Sea, thus mak ing their take over of the coun try very easy. As we have

                The Berean Voice
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