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94                                                              The Amalekites of the Bible!

                       The Is ra el ites  were not alone in their ha tred  of this peo ple.  For al most  500 years the
                Amalekites or Hyksos ruled the Egyp tians with ex treme cru elty, and the mem ory of their deeds was
                cut deep into the Egyp tian con scious ness.

                       This rude peo ple of Ara bia burned rolls of pa py rus and ob jects of art; in their camps and for -
                tresses they tor tured their cap tives -- crack ing open heads, smash ing teeth and goug ing out eyes.

                       Even the ARABIAN AUTHORS wrote about the evil and the wan ton ness of the Amalekites
                in deal ing with the holy and the pro fane in Mecca it self and in Egypt. These au thors made it very
                clear that the ETERNAL GOD had sent them AWAY FROM MECCA BECAUSE OF THEIR

                       Un for tu nately, over the years, the Egyp tian his to ri ans be gan to iden tify the Is ra el ites that
                had been in their midst WITH THE HATED HYKSOS that had been driven out of the city of Avaris
                (Ramesses). Velikovsky re veals what hap pened:

                       Ahmose [Aahmes -- first ruler of the 18th Dy nasty] wrote that when Auaris [Avaris] was
                       taken, the Hyksos re treated to Sharuhen, in south ern Pal es tine. But Manetho, many cen tu -
                       ries later, wrote that the Hyksos re treated into Pal es tine and BUILT JERUSALEM; also that
                       at a later date, when a leper col ony in Auaris re volted, these re bels sum moned the Solymites
                       (the peo ple  of Je ru sa lem)  and to gether  con quered  Egypt; that these Solymites were ex -
                       tremely cruel to the pop u la tion,  and that one of the lep ers,  Osarsiph, CHANGED HIS
                       NAME TO MOSES.

                       This con fused story re flects the ASSYRIAN CONQUEST OF EGYPT, when Sennacherib
                       and Esarhaddon in vaded Pal es tine and Egypt “with a great host of Assyrians and ARABS.”
                       The peo ple of Je ru sa lem NEVER con quered Egypt. -- Ages in Chaos, pps.95-96.

                       When ever the deeds and mem ory of the cruel shep herd-con quer ors of Egypt were re vived,
                the Jews were IDENTIFIED WITH THE DESCENDANTS OF THE HYKSOS -- the ha tred of
                whom found a tar get in the de scen dants of those who were op pressed in Egypt. Started by Manetho,
                an EXTENSIVE Jew-bait ing lit er a ture fol lowed; and the sto ries of Manetho were told and re told
                and added to by many writ ers.

                       This Egyp tian his to rian saw in the Jews the mis er a ble seed of cruel ty rants, and as a re sult
                the Greek and Ro man au thors per pet u ated the never end ing ne ces sity to hate the Jews. In sin u a tions
                were heaped upon in sin u a tions, and mon strous tales in vented about the head of an ass which the
                Jews kept in their tem ple and wor shiped, and about the hu man blood they sucked.

                       Balaam’s curse on the Amalekites BECAME A CURSE ON THE ISRAELITES -- the de -
                scen dants of Ju dah in par tic u lar. In Deu ter on omy 25 we read the fol low ing:

                       Re mem ber what Amalek did to you on the way as you were com ing out of Egypt, how he
                       met you on the way and at tacked your rear flanks, all the strag glers at your rear, when you
                       were tired and weary; and he did not fear God. There fore it shall be, when the Lord your
                       God has given you rest from your en e mies all around, in the land which the Lord your God

                                                                                           The Berean Voice
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