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The Amalekites of the Bible!                                                              93

                       There is a pa py rus text pre served in the Hermitage in Le nin grad (#1116b recto) which is a
                lit er ary  re flec tion  of the days when the em pire  of Egypt col lapsed  and the na tion  fell prey to
                INVADING NOMADS. The un usual thing about this text is that the events are re lated in the form
                of a proph ecy of times to come:

                       A seer by the name of Neferrohu asks his royal lis tener whether he would like to hear about
                       events past or events to come. “Said his maj esty:  Nay, of things fu ture.” The seer “was
                       brood ing over what should come to pass in the land and con jur ing up the CONDITION OF
                       THE EAST, when the AMU APPROACHED IN THEIR MIGHT and their hearts
                       rage....And he said: ‘Up my heart and be wail this land thou art sprung.’”

                       The land is ut terly  per ished  and nought re mains.  Per ished  is this land....THE SUN IS
                       VEILED and shines not in the sight of men [ninth plague]. None can live when the sun is
                       veiled by clouds....The river is dry (even the river) of Egypt. The South Wind shall blow
                       against the North Wind. The earth is fallen into mis ery...BEDOUINS  PERVADE THE
                       LAND. For foes are in the EAST [side of sun ris ing] and AMU SHALL DESCEND INTO
                       EGYPT. -- New Lit er ary Works from An cient Egypt, by A.H. Gar di ner. Jour nal of Egyp -
                       tian Ar chae ol ogy, I (1914), pps.100-6.

                       Fol low ing this graphic pic ture of the plagues that fell upon the land of Egypt, along with the
                in va sion of the coun try by the AMU, the sage Neferrohu proph e sied the lib er a tion of Egypt by a
                pha raoh who would be born of a Nubian woman and called Ameny -- “the AMU shall fall by his
                sword.” There af ter “there shall be (re)built the ‘Wall of the Prince’ so as not to al low the AMU to go
                down into Egypt [again].”

                        On the pa py rus in the Brit ish Mu seum,  the CHILDREN OF APOPI, or the in vad ers of
                Egypt, are equated with the AMU. Who were the Amu? Were they the same peo ple as the Hyksos or

                       Au thor Im man uel Velikovsky sup plies the an swer. He states that “the con clu sion is in es -
                cap able that the AMU of the Egyp tian sources and the AMALEKITES of the He brew and Arab
                sources were NOT two dif fer ent peo ples, but ONE AND THE SAME NATION. Even the name is
                the same: AMU, also OMAYA, a fre quent name among the AMALEKITES, was a SYNONYM for
                Amalekite. Dshauhari (Djauhari), an Ara bian lex i cog ra pher of the tenth cen tury of the pres ent era,
                wrote: ‘It is handed down that this name [AMU, or OMAYA] WAS A DESIGNATION FOR
                AMALEKITE MAN.’

                       The Amu, or the HYKSOS, WERE THE AMALEKITES." (Ages in Chaos, p.94).

                                           The Beginnings of Anti-Semitism

                       Even though the Is ra el ites suf fered much un der the op pres sion of the 12th and 13th Dy -
                nasties, they bore no ha tred to wards the Egyp tians in later years. The AMALEKITES ALONE be -
                came the sym bol of evil and the ob ject of their hate. Even to day a Jew ish mother fright ens her child
                into obe di ence by re fer ring to an “Amalekite.”

                The Berean Voice
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