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P. 38
The evidence for God's weekly Sabbath days being tied to the phases of the moon is over-
whelming. In fact, so much material is available that I have elected to cut short this article in order
not to overload the reader with facts. It is my sincere hope and prayer, that you, the reader, will
have an open mind and see the irrefutable truth that God set up His holy Sabbath days on the four
quarters of the moon (Exodus 16) and intends for us to worship Him on these very days. The Satur-
day sabbath is NOT God's day -- any more than Sunday is. In the search for truth we have uncov-
ered vital new truth that, frankly, is going to separate the men from the boys; those who will obey
God without equivocation from those who will continue to thumb their noses at God and resist to
the very end.
Many of you may be asking, "how in the world can we keep God's Sabbath day on the
phases of the moon and according to Exodus 16? It is the most impractical thing we could possibly
do in the way we now live." It is like having been born into a trap -- because we're used to it, we
think it is normal. The truth is, God's people have historically fallen into traps. These very traps
are such that present us from fully doing what God requires. They develop by (1) circumstances
that He leads us into in order to be tested; (2) the stubbornness of our own hearts while being
tested (remember what Jeremiah said about our hearts being desperately wicked); (3) so that He
(God) can make His power known; or all three.
Just as surely as God brought the Israelites out of Egypt and revealed to them His Sabbath
calendar, it is prophesied that His people will once again return to it IN THE FUTURE. The
prophet Isaiah records the culmination of the ages in chapter 66:
"For as the new heavens and the new earth which I will make shall remain before Me,"
says the Lord, "so shall your descendants and your name remain. And it shall come to
pass that from one New Moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another, all flesh shall
come to worship before Me," says the Lord. (Verses 22-23, NKJ).
If we are going to keep the new moons and the Sabbaths in the future, why not start NOW?
Why not say to God, "help me do this in my personal life so that I may be found faithful when you
return." I fully realize that to accomplish this with all of His people simultaneously will require a
deliverance greater than the one from Egypt at the end of the Middle Kingdom.: We have nowhere
to "exodus" to. But, in the meantime, the remnant of His people must occupy till He comes. Part of
this "occupying" is with regard to leading our families to OBEY HIS NATURAL LAW, lest He
fall upon us and we be destroyed. Remember, the Israelites kept the Passover before they left
Egypt. As we begin to keep His true weekly Sabbaths in our Egypt, let us cry out to our Elder
Brother again that He would deliver us. Let us pray for His deliverance, but make ready to be
In the Next Issue...
There are currently two locations in the city of Jerusalem that claim to be the site of Christ's death and bur-
ial. Can we know, then, the CORRECT site of the greatest sacrifice in the history of mankind? Read about the
tearing of the Temple curtain and the meaning of the phrase "outside the camp," and how these can point to
"The Place of the [Adam's] Skull." Discover the awesome symbolism of the sacrifice of the Red Heifer and
how Christ satisfied all the requirements of the Mosaic Law as He hung on the TREE overlooking the Temple