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-- not obey His Torah and meet Him at His appointed Does the saying, "Every mistake a person over the age
times. of 15 makes is because of a false assumption" ring any
Finally in October of 1998, while on a trip to New
Hampshire He revealed His Creation Lunar Weekly 1) The Jews have never changed their calendar, when it
Sabbath in a mighty way and on October 28, 1998 I be- is commonly known that Solomon changed it to ac-
gan keeping weekly Sabbaths according to the phases commodate his Tyrian wife;
of the moon. Since then the heavens have opened up
and wisdom has been falling all over the place confirm- 2) all known widely used calendars of the past are
ing that this is true. While in New Hampshire I went given equal time in your layout of time, when the ma-
into a bookstore of old books. I brought home with me jority of world calendars are not represented;
three sets of old Biblical Encyclopedias from the late
1800s -- early 1900s, and there in these pages came 3) (a) there has never been a calendar based on the ec-
confirmation after confirmation that the original centric orbit of the earth, (b) because it was not known;
weekly Sabbath was kept according to the Moon.
4) we are going from the less accurate to the more ac-
It has been a very lonely year as this has separated me curate in the science of measurement;
completely from all fellowship with any religious
group and all my family except my husband who be- 5) the calendar was never based on the actual move-
lieves as I do. I have been searching for another person ment of the heavenly bodies, including the moon's ro-
or group that has this truth. The only one I have found, tation around the earth, the earth's rotation around the
until you, has a website at sun, the sun's rotation around its "sun," and the rotation menu2.htm. I have of the milky way around Alcione;
exchanged information with him over the last few
months. He and his wife are very interested in finding a 6) there never was a common world calendar;
group that has this truth. I strongly suggest that you
read the articles on his site, as he has done extensive 7) a calendar based on the movement of the universe
research on cycles of seven with the Bible as his base. does not and will not exist.
I have also set up a webpage on which I posted a little All of the above are false assumptions. "He will think
lesson regarding Jahwah's Calendar. to change times and seasons" refers to the calendar and the holy days.
As to the correct day for the Sabbath, you can check it
Even though we don't agree entirely on how to count out yourself with a simple rectal thermometer (in the
the days, it is quite exciting to learn that others are armpit, not the other end: oral thermometers are not as
starting to leave the Babylonian pagan weekly calendar accurate) and a cheap blood pressure machine. You
that was originally set up on the Tower of Babel. It is may want to lean on some decidedly non-Sabbath-
very difficult to leave the world and all of its false re- keepers for control subjects. Take your temperature
ligions behind, but it is indeed a must if we are to come under your armpit and blood pressure every evening
into the very presence of Jahwah. I would so enjoy well after dark, ( not within 1 hour after a bath). You
hearing from you, and be able to share with each other. will find that both gradually drop at sunset on Friday
night and return to normal at sunset on Saturday night.
Yours in Jahwah God does not leave us without a witness, and He does
Moab, Utah not use witnesses that are capable of perjury.
If you are interested in picking up on this thread, well
Were it not for having read your excellent article on and good; we can get into the very technical stuff. If
Joseph's construction projects in Egypt, and your sin- not, well and good; you have your way that you must
cere request on the message board, I would skip con- travel.
tacting you altogether; even so, I have strong Cordially,
reservations..."The wise will keep silent..." Battleaxe