Page 45 - BV3
P. 45
In the Beginning
And Elohim said, 'Let there be lights/menorahs in the firmament of the heaven to divide
the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years.'
This verse of scripture has been so mistranslated and misunderstood by the religions of to-
day. The average Bible student has no conception as to what Jahwah is relating in this verse, be-
cause of our modern understanding of such words as "signs, seasons, days, and years." If they are
interpreted as seen through the eyes of the Jew instead of the eyes of the Greek, the verse is clari-
fied and shown to contain Jahwah's creation calendar of time. Jahwah's set-time ordinances were
so important, He included them in His creation where man could not reach up and change them.
Avi Ben Mordechai clarifies the Jewish understanding of these words in his book Signs in
the Heavens. As stated on pages 36 - 38:
"At first glance, the tendency is to look at these opening verses of Bereshith (Genesis
1:14-18) from a Hellenistic (Greek) viewpoint, and say, "Okay, G-d made the sun, the
moon and the stars and put them there as signs in the heavens to generally tell us about
our seasons, days and years." But the biblical Jewish view is different and the stars
and setting them in their place was to make specific periods of Jewish TIME as opposed
to general periods of non-Jewish time. G-d made the sun, the moon and the stars for all
people, but their presence and movement was given to the Jewish people so they could
accurately keep His festivals and SHABBATS and thus become a light to the nations."
He states further:
"Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate day from night; they shall serve
as SIGNS for the SET TIMES, the days and years." I call this the divine APPOINT-
MENT SCHEDULE…His Jewish alarm clock in the sky!
"SIGNS" was another Hebrew way of saying SHABBATS as it is written:
The Israelites are to observe the SABBATH, celebrating it for the generations to come
as lasting covenant. It will be a SIGN between me and the Israelites FOREVER, for in
six days the LORD made the heavens and earth, and on the seventh day he abstained
from work and rested.
If the Sabbaths of Jahwah were considered to be the "signs" of heaven, there has to be a
light in heaven that controls the Sabbaths. The only light that fits this bill is the phases of the
Mordechai continues with:
"SET TIMES" was also a Hebrew way of referring to the SHABBAT and the three pil-
grimage festivals of Pesach (Passover), Shavuot (Pentecost) and Sukkot (Tabernacles) as