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P. 49

                       For you hate instruction/correction and you cast my words out of your sight….

                       Now consider this, ye that forget Eloah, lest I tear you in pieces, and there be none to

                       "Eloah" is the title used when there is a contrast being made between Jahwah and false
               gods or idols.  "Eloah" denotes "the living Elohim" in contrast to dead idols.

                                       What was involved in the stoning of Stephen?

                       Many will be surprised to read that one of the accusations Stephen brought against the peo-
               ple of Israel -- just before they stoned him -- was the worship of the planet SATURN, as found in
               the seventh chapter of Acts:

                       v.39 (Stephen is speaking before the high priest and the council.) "Our ancestors were un-
                       willing to obey him; instead, they pushed him aside and in their hearts turned back to

                       v.40 saying to Aaron, 'Make us gods who will be our leaders.  As for that Moses who led
                       us out of the land of Egypt, we do not know what has happened to him.'

                       v. 41 So they made a calf in those days, offered sacrifice to the idol, and reveled in the
                       works of their hands."

                       Stephen once again reminds them of Israel's worship of Apis, the golden calf at Mount Si-
               nai, when they set up a false feast and dedicated it to Jahwah.  Apis was none other than an image
               of Osiris/Nimrod.

                       v. 42 "Then God turned and handed them over to worship THE HOST OF HEAVEN (the
               Sacred Hebdomad - the sun, the moon, and the five planets)……"

                       v. 43 '….You took up the tent of Moloch and the star of the god Rephan (i.e. the
                       PLANET SATURN) -- the idols you made for yourselves to worship; thus I will
                       remove/exile you upon those parts of Babel."

                       NOTE: "Upon those parts" is translated in most Bibles as "beyond."  In Strong's Concor-
               dance it is from the Greek word "epekeina" (1900) that can also mean "upon those parts."

                       Taking the phrase in the context that Jahwah gave them over to the worship of the Host of
               Heaven, -- the worship of the Sacred Hebdomad that originated at the Tower of Babel -- this verse
               would make better sense to say He delivered them to those parts of Babel that they were

                       Stephen declares them to be a stiff-necked people just like their fathers.  A people that
               will not listen and follow the instructions of Jahwah:

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