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                       ways depicted as sitting on His throne FACING EASTWARD where all the entrances of
                       the Tabernacle were situated." (Martin, Secrets of Golgotha, p.50).

                       Numbers 5:16-31 reveals that women accused of adultery were brought "BEFORE THE
               LORD" for judgment (notice particularly verses 16 and 18) -- to the EAST entrance of the sanctu-
               ary where the priest took a grain offering from the woman's hand and burnt it on the altar. And
               where was the altar? EAST of the Holy of Holies, before the Court of the Levites. Leviticus
               10:1-7 indicates that the sons of Aaron were judged and punished on the EAST SIDE of the taber-
               nacle for offering strange fire "BEFORE THE LORD"; and Korah and the Levites were punished
               on the EAST SIDE also -- see Numbers 16:41-50.

                       Psalms 96:13 and 98:9 show that when God judges the world from Jerusalem, those to be
               judged will come "BEFORE THE LORD" which, once again, means on the EAST SIDE of the
               Eternal's throne. To support this understanding, many Jews and Moslems over the last few centu-
               ries have been buried in this region east of the Temple Mount so that they will be the first of the
               "righteous" to be resurrected when God comes to judge the world.

                       How does this pertain to the death of Christ? Simply, this: "Since the New Testament
               makes it abundantly clear that Christ bore all the judgments for sin and that he endured the wrath of
               God in place of the whole world (II Cor.5:14-21), it was necessary that Christ bear his judicial
               punishment in the area where 'all the world' is destined to be judged. For Christ to be executed 'IN
               THE PRESENCE OF GOD' for the sins of the world, he had to bear those sins IN THE REGION
               designed by God for that purpose." (Secrets of Golgotha, p.51).

                       It was for this very reason that the sin offerings were taken "OUTSIDE THE CAMP" to the
               slopes of the Mount of Olives to be burnt to ashes. And this is ALSO why the HOLIEST OF ALL
               the sin offerings -- known as the RED HEIFER -- was taken "OUTSIDE THE CAMP" and burnt to
               ashes on the slopes of the Mount of Olives, directly EAST of the Temple (Topos -- Place). It was
               ALSO in this same area "where CRIMINALS deserving the death penalty were taken "OUTSIDE
               THE CAMP" to become a SIN OFFERING FOR THEMSELVES."

                       We have seen that during our Savior's time the OFFICIAL Jewish place for execution was
               "near the southern summit of Olivet but facing the EASTERN ENTRANCE to the Temple so that
               the evildoers would be executed "IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD." It has become abundantly clear
               that the only region in all of Jerusalem that fulfills all of the Mosaic requirements regarding the
               execution of criminals, is the area near the MIPHKAD ALTAR where the sacrifice of the Red
               Heifer took place.


                                        Where Did the Romans Execute Criminals?

                       Roman records indicate that there were a number of ways to determine WHERE a malefac-
               tor was to be crucified. The first one is that criminals, particularly pirates or enemies of the state,
               must be executed AT THE SCENE OF THEIR CRIME. (Digest 48:; cf. Collectio Le-
               gum Nosaicarum et Romanarum, I.6). Notice some examples:

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