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                       ...he crucified the soldiers in the spot WHERE THEY HAD COMMITTED THEIR
                       CRIMES. (Scriptores Historiae Augustae 6, Vulcacius Gallicanus, Avidius Cassius,
                       4:1f). The proconsul of Africa punished the priests of Saturn "by crucifying them ON
                       THE VERY TREES of their temple, in the shadow of which they had COMMITTED
                       THEIR CRIMES" (Tertullian, Apologeticus, 9:2). In "Chaereas ad Callirhoe" we read:
                       "A great proportion of the crowd followed Theron as he was led away, and in front of
                       Callirhoe's tomb he was crucified upon the cross, and from the cross gazed out upon the
                       sea OVER WHICH HE HAD CARRIED CAPTIVE the daughters of Heromcrates."
                       (Chariton, 3:4:18).

                       Secondly, if it were not possible to return the malefactor to the site of his crime, then the
               PLACE WHERE HE WAS ARRESTED was acceptable. We find an example of this in the Acts of
               Pilate: "According to the law of the pious emperors...hanged on the cross in the garden IN WHICH
               YOU WERE SEIZED." (IX.5).

                       Now, if either of these two possibilities was untenable, it was common to select an AREA
               OF HIGH GROUND or a BUSY CROSSROADS for the crucifixion. This was to provide a visible
               deterrent to the people passing by not to commit such crimes. And since this form of death repre-
               sented the ultimate form of humiliation for the criminal, his naked body had to be on public display
               in a prominent location. This is verified by Quintilian: "The crowded roads are chosen...penalties
               relate not so much to retribution as to their EXEMPLARY EFFECT" (Declamationes, 274). In
               Alexander Severus we read: "As a deterrent to others he had them crucified on the street that his
               slaves used most frequently." (23:8).


                       Where was Christ arrested? In the Garden of Gethsemane! And where was this garden lo-
               cated? Prof. J.A. Thompson explains:

                       The site of Gethsemane is not known with certainty, although it was across the Kidron
                       Valley on the SIDE OF THE MOUNT OF OLIVES. There are today several rival sites
                       for the place. The confused visitor will be shown the scene by the Roman Catholics, the
                       Greeks, the Armenians, and the Russians. The oldest tradition places the scene [of
                       Christ's praying] on the ground now occupied by the Tomb of the Virgin. -- The Bible
                       and Ar chaeology, third ed. 1982. Pages 356-360.

                       Since the Roman army stripped the area surrounding Jerusalem of all trees during the siege
               of the Holy City (70 A.D. and just prior), it is difficult to identify the exact location of the Garden
               of Gethsemane.

                       However, the New Testament clearly states that it was on the Mount of Olives where
               Christ was arrested. Following the Last Supper Matthew states that "Jesus went with his disciples
               to a PLACE CALLED GETHSEMANE..."(26:36). And WHERE was Gethsemane? Luke provides
               the answer: "Jesus went out AS USUAL to the MOUNT OF OLIVES, and his disciples followed
               him." (22:39). This is verified by John: "When he had finished praying, Jesus left with his

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