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                down from the northwestern highlands of Ethiopia?      remember it, nor shall they visit it, nor shall it be
                Reassured by remarkable traces and testimony he     made any more (Jer. 3:16).
                gained by exploring some of the 20 islands of Lake
                Tana, from which flows the meandering Blue Nile,  Quite frankly, I'm ready to end the discussion right
                Graham Hancock reasons that a fifth century BC mi-  there. Jehovah God declares through His seventh-
                gration of a number of Jews would explain the pres-  century prophet that the piece of Temple furniture
                ence in Ethiopia of both the Falashas, descendants by  known as the Ark of the Covenant is no longer needed.
                intermarriage, and the Ark of the Covenant.    Important as it was at the time of Moses and the mon-
                                                               archy, from this point on we look to Messiah, Im-
                Of particular significance was the tradition reported by  manuel ("God-with-us"), in Whose appearance Ark and
                a priest on Tana Kirkos island. It says the Ark was re-  Temple find their real fulfillment.
                moved from that island and taken to the capital Axum
                by Emperor Ezana, newly Christianized, 1600 years       Hancock's Lesser Indicators
                ago -- after 800 years on the island. That would con-
                flict with the Ethiopic story about Solomon and Sheba  But I did promise to explain what connection "Prester
                in Kebra Nagast ("Glory of Kings"). But it agrees re-  John" has in all this. Trouble is, 'all this' gets very com-
                markably with the AD fourth century introduction of  plex, as Mr. Hancock works through his data maze.
                Christianity into Ethiopia, via two young Syrian Ortho-  Over a dozen 12th-century AD situations, carefully
                dox guests of the royal court, and with a possible Jew-  dated and documented, are linked up by Hancock. He
                ish entrance in the fourth century BC, with their great  moves among them as one walking on thin ice, testing
                treasure, the Ark of the Covenant of Israel.
                                                               each step, yet ever ready to stand confidently on his
                                                               own assumptions and conclusions.
                    Removal of the Ark from Jerusalem
                                                               AD 1165 dates a purported "Prester John" letter to
                This brings us to a final consideration on the plus side.  various Christian kings in Europe, boasting of his
                After flunking his Bible exam on the Pentateuch (re-  wealth and military might. Pope Alexander III's re-
                call what we thought of his treatment of Moses and the  sponse in 1177, referring to still another communica-
                Ark), Hancock does a remarkably careful job, re-  tion, grants a requested chapel in the Jerusalem Church
                searching the Historical Books for the right window of  of the Holy Sepulcher to the Ethiopian Church. At this
                opportunity for the Ark to be removed from the Jeru-  time, "John" (cf. Amharic address to an emperor, as
                salem Temple. Noting that there are precious few men-  Jan Hoy, "O Great One") would be Harbay, half-
                tions of the Ark after the Temple's dedication by  brother of the next king, Lalibela, who was in Jerusa-
                Solomon, he highlights a significant command of the  lem awaiting chance to seize his rightful throne.
                reformer king, Josiah. "Put the holy ark in the house
                which Solomon...built," he orders the Levites (2 Chr.  So Hancock figures: Wasn't it Lalibela who informed
                35:3). How and when did it get out?            the Knights Templar Crusaders of the whereabouts of
                                                               the sacred Ark? Didn't they accompany him to Roha
                Josiah's grandfather, Manasseh, whose wicked reign of  (="Lalibela") and engineer his rock hewn churches, one
                55 years (697-642 BC) included such abominations as  of which bears a Templar cross? Isn't the Holy Grail
                astral worship, child sacrifice, pagan altars in the Tem-  epic, created in 1182, actually about the lost Ark? Was
                ple precincts, witchcraft and sorcery, went so far as to  it not a suspicious Ethiopian king who advised the
                desecrate the House of God with a carved idol (2 Chr.  Pope to outlaw the Templars -- whose successors in
                33:3-7). It was then, reasons Hancock, that faithful  Portugal and Scotland were very interested in
                priests carried the Ark away to safety, to Egypt, where  Ethiopia?
                they built the Elephantine temple to house it. Even
                King Josiah was unaware of this, he suggests, and he  See? It does get complicated. And the more it does, the
                finds support in what was said by Josiah's contempo-  more uncertain his case, in places. Graham Hancock
                rary, the Prophet Jeremiah.                    has produced a masterful picture puzzle, but he proba-
                                                               bly has pieces left over.
                     They will say no more, "The ark of the covenant of
                     the Lord." It shall not come to mind, nor shall they

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