Page 72 - BV4
P. 72

                       nor … the great day." (Clement of Alexandria, The Stromata, or Miscellanies, Chapter

                       This date: the Great Day (which presumably appeared as an eighth day each seventh week,
               or perhaps which appeared in association with the festival of Tabernacles, or both) is indicated to
               very much be relative to lunar cycle timing rates.

                       It seems significant that the Stromata specifically shows the appearance of this Great Day
               as being dependent upon both Sabbath observance and upon proper observance of the lunar circuit.

                       First century sources seem to amply show an interrupted Sabbath count (by the periodic
               appearance of an eighth day).

                       Interestingly, if the rate of a seven weeks count (plus 1 day, or an 8th day) is added to the
               rate of 14 stages of the Moon (plus new Moon and whole Moon-as previously cited) then a re-
               markable Sabbath Calendar is achievable (one which precisely, logically, and formally interfaces
               with both the Moon, and also with the annual solar circuit).

                       Seven Pentecontad Cycles In Each Annual Cycle +
                       7 weeks ++  * (7 lunar phases)
                       7 weeks ++    (7 lunar phases)
                       7 weeks ++    (7 lunar phases)
                       7 weeks ++    (7 lunar phases)
                       7 weeks ++    (7 lunar phases)
                       7 weeks ++    (7 lunar phases)
                       7 weeks ++    (7 lunar phases)

                       * -- Denotes the Festival of First Fruits.
                       + -- One evening and one daylight (a half day) is specially celebrated each lunar period.
                       ++ -- One whole-day is celebrated each 7 weeks (or one seventh-part of the annual

                       It seems that a continuous cycle of lunar-based Sabbaths -- if cycled 7 times 7 -- comprises
               the length of 49 lunar weeks (or 49 lunar phases), and it follows that this seven-squared count-over
               average time -- is equal to one annual cycle (as previously cited).

                                             A Precise Annual Cycle Interface

                       One of the most fascinating attributes of an astronomical count of seven-squared days (or
               49 days) are the two extraneous rates of the Earth's rotation, or: 1) One extraneous Earth's rotation
               for each lunar cycle; and: 2) One extraneous Earth's rotation for each seventh part of the annual so-
               lar circuit (as documented).

                       These two rates of extraneous whole days very precisely align together on an annual basis-
               as follows:

   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77