Page 74 - BV4
P. 74
This unusual overlap definition may be critical information, both for understanding the
early practice and count of the Jubilee Calendar, and also for understanding and interpreting the
Earth-Moon system (as a logical model).
It minimally seems -- and very amazingly so -- that a formal count of seven Solar-Sabbaths
is indicated (mathematically, logically, and historically) to interface with a normalized or formally
expressed cycle of New Moons.
Ultimately, it isn't unreasonable to at least speculate that a peculiar formal count of 14½ lu-
nar stages once had large significance: 1) For tracking Sabbath time; 2) For delimiting the length of
the annual cycle; and even: 3) For determining 'the division of days' on an annual basis (between
nighttime or daytime).
Based upon the indicated annual overlap it is interesting to note that a reverse of lunar
stages would annually occur from 'stages of night and day' to 'stages of day and night'. Essentially,
something on the order of a reversed sequence of lunar stages would be counted across alternate
years. (To compound this interpretation, the rates of X1 and at X2 would also need to be ac-
counted for.)
Here, it is of some interest to note that the Hebrew word for the annual cycle or year is
'Shaneh' -- a word which literally means two-folded. (This term may encompass the definition of a
reversed count of lunar stages in alternate years).
The indicated seven annual Sabbaths (or Sun Sabbaths), and their annual interface with a
progression of Moon Sabbaths (an overlap of either day or night) tends to point toward a cycle of
14 (or even more) Sun Sabbaths (involving day and night counts across 14 Moon stages). Thus,
seven Sun Sabbaths may have ultimately been formally counted in 14 increments, or 7 + 7 pente-
contads… (inline with an extended count of 7 + 7 lunar stages…).
A formal count of 14 annual Sabbaths may ultimately have been significant in the determi-
nation of festival time. One -- or possibly two -- of the festivals are indicated to have occurred in
association with an extraneous lunar phase (or the X1 and X2 signs, as previously documented).
Logically, this indicated festival might have occurred in association with a periodically appearing
15th Sun Sabbath, and it would have lasted for seven, or eight days (or for the average length of
one phase). (For further information of this very speculative analysis, refer to Leviticus, Chapter
Essentially, through a count of lunar stages revolving into a larger count of solar stages
(both involving the specific determination of either ' day and night', or 'night and day'), a very so-
phisticated Earth-Moon interpretation is indicated to have once been practiced under the Temple
It is of further interest to note that a lunar-based jubilee progression (with the reoccurring
signs at X1 and at X2) produces a long time cycle which requires 600 years to complete. Essen-
tially, the same phase of the lunar cycle revolves into the same alignment with a count of the annual
cycle signs only once every 600 years. Very remarkably Josephus, the Jewish priest-historian of