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                                 The Jutes                      there was among the Israelites in Media a group of Ju-
                                                                dahites, Judai, or Judes; (3) that among the Saxons who
                                                                came into Britain there was a tribe called Jutes; (4) that
                Among the Saxon invaders of Britain were the Jutes, a  during the time they were migrating westward across
                people who came from a part of Denmark still called  Europe the 'd' in their language became 't'; (5) that the
                Jutland, to settle in Kent and the Isle of Wight.
                                                                Saxons were descended from the Sacae of Media; and
                                                                (6) that Sacae is the name by which the Israelites in
                Having noted the evidence previously offered which  Media were known to the Persian historians.
                indicates the Israelitish origin of the Saxons as a
                whole, let us now consider the Jutes for they have in
                their name itself conclusive evidence of their Isra-  It is certain, therefore, that the Jutes were originally
                elitish identity.                               called Judes or Judai, and that they were the descen-
                                                                dants of that part of the people of Judah which the
                                                                Assyrians carried away with Israel to Media.
                This becomes clear when we remember the great
                change which took place in the languages of northern
                Europe some time previous to 100 B.C., whereby a                                                           -- W.H. Bennett
                great many words which had previously had in them the
                sound of our letter 'd' changed this to the sound of 't'.   The Corinthians
                (Grimm's Law.) As this change occurred during the
                years in which the Saxons were migrating to Western  A colony of Christians at Corinth in Greece, to whom
                Europe from their old home east of the Black Sea, it is  the apostle Paul wrote two important and informative
                obvious that the people who arrived in Denmark as  Epistles. A study of these reveals that many of the Cor-
                Jutes must have started out as JUDES or Judai.  inthians were gentilized Israelites of the Dispersion,
                                                                already well on their way westwards. In chapter 10 of
                Further, as all of the Saxon tribes, including the Jutes,  the First Epistle Paul reminded them that "all our
                were descended from the Sacae (Sacasene) of Media,  fathers...were all baptized unto Moses," whilst in the
                it follows that the Sacae must have had among them a  twelfth chapter of the same Epistle he told them that
                tribe called Judes or Judai even before they left Media.  they had become "gentiles, carried away unto these
                                                                dumb idols."
                The importance of this becomes apparent when we re-
                member that the Israel people were divided into TWO  Ireland Was the University of Europe
                separate nations -- Israel and Judah, AND that when the
                Assyrians conquered Israel and drove the Israelites
                away into captivity in MEDIA, they ALSO took some  It is well known to historians that for centuries Ireland
                of the people from the country districts of Judah. It is  was the university for all Europe. There are, however,
                certain, therefore, that among the Israelites in Media  so many who do not know, and who are not willing to
                there was a distinct group who would be known by a  admit the facts about the musical and literary character
                plural form of the name Judah -- Judahites, Judae, Ju-  of Ireland in past time, that we now quote from two or
                dai, Judi, or Judes.                            three inpartial testimonies.

                                                                Sir James McIntosh says, "The Irish nation possesses
                In this connection we should note too that in the Ger-
                man language the Jews, who are a part of the people of  genuine history, several centuries more ancient than
                Judah, are called JUDEN (singular -- Jude), which, is  any other European nation possesses in its present spo-
                equivalent to 'Judes' in English. Further, in the Low  ken language."
                German dialects, which are more closely related to
                Old English (the English of the Saxons and Jutes) the  Dr. Johnson said: "Ireland was in early times the school
                name Jude is pronounced 'Yut', which is equivalent to  of the West, the quiet habitation of sanctity and
                the English 'Jute'.                             learning."

                We have, therefore, six known facts to consider: (1)  Lord Lyttleton said: "Most of the lights which, in times
                that when the Israel people were deported to Media by  past -- times of thick darkness -- cast their beams over
                the Assyrians, part of the people of the Kingdom of Ju-  Europe, proceeded from Ireland."
                dah were taken with them; (2) that, as a consequence,

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