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                and found in the western parts of these lands,   These, the British Peoples, Are of God's
                the peoples of Britain and her kindred nations                  Own Israel
                are racially ONE.
                                                               The whole crux of the matter is found in the
                It is a known fact that anthropologists cannot  truth for which this church stands and which
                find any racial difference between an English-  we hold dear -- the peoples who colonized the
                man, a Scot, an Irishman or a Welshman. Sir British Isles are descended from God's servant
                Arthur Keith made this statement:              people, Israel. These became lost to their true
                                                               history, but were ever visible in the prophecies
                         "Except for a trick of speech or local   of God's Word, the Bible, which assert that the
                          mannerism, the most expert anthro-   high destiny reserved for Israel will be ful-
                          pologist cannot tell a Celt from a   filled in those who, in the world of today, are
                          Saxon, or an Irishman from a         recognized as the English-speaking family of
                          Scotsman....From the physical point of
                          view the Celt and Saxon are one....It is   nations. All of these are traceable to those
                          often said that we British are a mixed   parts of the world where the "gentilized" Isra-
                          and mongrel collection of types and   elites seemingly disappeared from history --
                          breeds; the truth is, that as regards  the Bible lands.
                          physical type the inhabitants of the
                          British Isles are the MOST UNIFORM   In this, what is envisaged as the last and great-
                          of all the large nationalities of Europe."
                                                               est crisis endured by the modern descendants
                                                               of Israel, the British people need UNITY as
                Professor Huxley in his Racial Origins, wrote  never before. The text which King James the
                these very telling words:
                                                               First of England and Sixth of Scotland caused
                                                               to be inscribed on his coins at the Union of the
                         "The invasion of the Saxons, the Danes,   Crowns remains every whit as true today as it
                         and the Normans changed the language
                         of Britain, but added NO new physical   did back then:
                         element. Therefore we should not talk
                         any more of Celts and Saxons, for they        "WHAT GOD HAS JOINED TOGETHER LET
                         are all one. I never lose an opportunity         NO MAN PUT ASUNDER."
                       of rooting up the FALSE IDEA that the
                         Celts and Saxons are different races."

                Modern scholars have come to realize that the
                idea of the Anglo-Saxons having exterminated
                or driven off all the Celtic peoples in England
                is equally ludicrous. Countless Celtic rituals
                and traditions still carried out throughout Eng-
                land prove the contrary. Of course, the ancient
                Scottish traditions which captivated Vikings,
                Angles and Normans alike -- the tartans, the
                bagpipes, music and dancing -- are still a val-
                ued part of the Scottish heritage. The environ-
                ment,   climate  and   history  have   shaped
                characteristics which others recognize as typi-
                cal of the Scots. This is just as true of the Eng-
                lish, Welsh and Irish -- and thank God for it!

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