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                all things. Nature points beyond itself, but to  to philosophical inquiry or individual paths of
                what or whom we can not say without some       seeking the "Divine."
                revelation from the Creator Himself.
                                                                    God tells Moses that he is to return to Egypt
                     According to the Hebrew Bible God re- and deliver the Israelites from their slavery,
                vealed Himself clearly and dramatically, once  bringing them to the land of Canaan that had
                for all, in the time of Moses, at Mt. Sinai, when  been promised to Abraham. Moses is hesitant
                Israel was delivered from slavery in Egypt.    and offers many objections. One of these is
                This fundamental revelation was like no other  particularly noteworthy. Moses protests that if
                before or since. It is constantly referred to by  he goes to the Israelites and tells them that the
                the later Prophets and in the Psalms. It was ax-  God of their fathers has appeared to him, they
                ial, absolutely fundamental, and never to be su-  will ask "What is his  name"? In other words,
                perseded or forgotten. This is not just some   they will want this God to be identified. At that
                "Old Testament Bible story," which the Chris-  point God tells Moses:
                tian can quickly skim over as some kind of
                "background" to the New Testament. Rather,          Say this to the people of Israel, YHVH, the
                this is absolute, essential,  bedrock. Without a       God of your fathers, the God of Abraham,
                deep understanding of this core revelation at       the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has
                Sinai one will never understand and know the        sent me to you:" this is My Name forever,
                true God.                                           and thus I am to be remembered through
                                                                    out all generations (Exodus 3:15).
                     This extraordinary revelation comes di-
                rectly through Moses, "the meekest man on           This is quite remarkable. God appears to
                earth," when he is 80 years old (Numbers       Moses in His Shekinah Glory, speaks directly
                12:3). Initially God appears to him in the Sinai  in the first person, and most important, He
                area in the form of the Shekinah Glory --      identifies Himself by name. God actually has a
                speaking in the first person from the burning  Name, just as Moses and all other human be-
                bush. Notice, God first identifies Himself:    ings have identifying names. The Name here,
                                                               represented by the four Hebrew consonants: Y
                     I am the God of your father, the God of           H V H, is called the Tetragrammaton. It is used
                     Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of    nearly 6,000 times in the Old Testament. It is a
                     Jacob (Exodus 3:6).                       compound of the Hebrew verb hayah, "to be."
                                                               The meaning appears to be "The One Who Will
                     The way God describes Himself here is     Be/Is/Was," combined into a single Name. For
                striking. He is not merely the Creator, or the  centuries devout Jews have considered this
                First Cause, or a cosmic Power or Force. God   Name too sacred to pronounce, and they have
                is the intimate,  personal God of Abraham, substituted "Adonai" (Lord) in prayer and
                Isaac, and Jacob -- a definite family line     "HaShem" (which means "the Name") in speak-
                through which He reveals Himself. To speak of  ing. Most modern translations have rendered it
                the "God of Abraham" is to tie into a definite  by the title LORD, written in all capital letters.
                claim about historical revelation. It is a claim This translation is most unfortunate. The word
                that the One God, the Creator, has involved    "Lord" is clearly  not a name, nor does it mean
                Himself specifically in an unfolding historical  anything even related to the letters YHVH in
                Plan. In other words, He will be known and un-  Hebrew. It confuses this very definite proper
                derstood through the concrete historical experi-  Name of God with the title, Lord, which is
                ences of His chosen people. This is in contrast adonai   or    adon    in  Hebrew    (meaning

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