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                specific directions -- see Jeremiah 44:26. No  Genesis 21:33 where Abraham calls on "the
                one today swears by the Sacred Name as a by-   Everlasting God" (El 'olam). El Shaddai was
                word, while the name of Jesus, which was       understood to be "the Most High God, Creator
                openly spoken, is one of the most frequently of Heaven and Earth," (Genesis 14:19). The
                used expletives in our culture. Surely there is  revelation of the Name YHVH at Sinai serves
                some wisdom in the Jewish practice of using to capture these concepts in a single, mystical,
                "HaShem" in public. It is not a title, such as  awesome, Word.
                "Lord," and yet it always reminds one that the
                actual Name of God is intended. It also enables      Much later, when Israel comes out of Egypt
                one to respect Jewish sensitivities and enter  and is gathered by Moses at Mt. Sinai, the dra-
                into common dialogue and faith with those de-  matic scene is set. God reveals Himself in His
                vout ones of Israel upon whom YHVH clearly     Shekinah Glory to the whole nation in an over-
                has His mighty Hand.                           whelming display of power and glory, speak-
                                                               ing directly to them, and setting forth the Ten
                    "Knowing God," implies this fundamental Commandments. There is thunder, lightning,
                revelation of God's Sacred Name, with all it   clouds of smoke and fire, the piercing sound of
                involves. It is a tremendous revelation, and   a trumpet, and the whole mountain shakes. Fi-
                once understood, can transform one's whole     nally God Himself speaks in an audible voice
                sense of who God is. Later God tells Moses:    for all to hear. First, He identifies Himself: "I
                                                               am YHVH your shall have no other
                     I am YHVH. I appeared to Abraham, to         gods besides Me" (Exodus 20:1). The reaction
                     Isaac, and to Jacob, as El Saddai, but by       of the people is terror. They call out to Moses,
                      My Name YHVH I did not make myself         "You speak to us and we will hear; but let not
                     known to them (Exodus 6:2-3).             God speak to us, lest we die!" (20:19). Forty
                                                               years later Moses reminds the Israelites of the
                     In Genesis 17:1; 28:3 and 35:11, where    uniqueness and purpose of this great moment of
                God declares "I am El Shaddai," it is usually  revelation:
                translated "God Almighty." It means "God of
                protection," or literally, "God of the breast."      For ask now of the days that are past, which
                The Name YHVH does appear throughout the            were before you, since the day that God
                Genesis account, in dealings with all those         created man upon the earth, and ask from
                from Adam, through Noah, to Abraham and his      one end of heaven to the other, whether such
                family. Yet, according to this verse in Exodus,       a great thing as this has ever happened or
                these references are put in retrospectively. In      was ever heard of. Did any people ever
                other words, Genesis was written after the          hear the voice of a god speaking out of the
                revelation of the Name YHVH, and so the             midst of the fire, as you have heard, and
                Name appears when these accounts are subse-         still live?...To you it was shown, that you
                quently recorded in the time of Moses. It is in-      might know that YHVH is God; there is no
                teresting to note that the numerical value of the      other besides Him. Out of heaven He let
                name El Shaddai in Hebrew is 345, which is          you hear his voice, that He might discipline
                the same as the number of "HaShem" (the             you; and on earth He let you see His great
                Name).                                              fire [Shekinah Glory], and you heard His
                                                                    words out of the midst of the fire...know
                     Though the Name itself was not revealed to       therefore this day, and lay it to your heart,
                Abraham or those before him, the essential      that YHVH is God in heaven above and on
                meaning of that Name was known. Notice              the earth beneath; there is no other

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