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                this evening. In fact it's getting late and I should  D. I.
                call him now.
                                                                Hello to you from Australia.
                God be with you,
                D.                                              I am writing to enquire as to whether it is pos-
                                                                sible for me to purchase the booklet "As Birds
                Comment: Our article entitled       Yehovah's Flying" here in Adelaide, South Australia. I re-
                Shekinah Glory in History helps explain the     member reading this book many years ago and
                creation week scenario. Basically, the light of would very much like to obtain a copy again as
                Day 1 was the Shekinah Glory of Yehovah,        I have no idea what happened to the original I
                while the light as we know it today came into   read.
                being with the creation of the sun and moon on
                Day 4. Since Yehovah divided the darkness       Thank you for your service,
                into day and night with His Shekinah Glory,
                there is no reason to believe that the light He  Regards,
                created on Day 4 (sun and moon) would be out    Don.
                of sync with the day and night divisions He
                created with His Shekinah Glory. Yehovah is     Comment:  I do not know if this book is avail-
                consistent.                                     able in your area. However, you can purchase
                                                                it from the Hoffman Printing Company, P.O.
                Dear Brother Keyser,                            Box 1529, Muskogee, OK 74402, USA. Phone:
                                                                (918) 682-8341, Fax: (918) 682-1263. The
                I am writing to you to inform you and your min-  price, I believe, is around US$8.00.
                istry in God that I found the righteous "Path"
                thru Herbert W. Armstrong's book "Mystery of    Dear Friend:
                the Ages." I am fifty-six years old and serving
                "life" for the murder of a drug dealer. I am    Thank you for your quick reply. I am a former
                Jewish thru my mother. My father who was an     WWCG member (I left in '92). I really felt
                Arab (Syrian) American was killed in WWII.      things getting watered down especially when
                Since my conversion to "Nazarene Judaism" I the TV program stopped teaching prophecy and
                have taken my mother's Jewish name (Isiayah)    other topics so not to offend the secular world.
                after my mikvah. We at "Beth Tzadik" are go-    I can now clearly see the difference between
                ing to begin keeping the "Lunar Shabbat" thanks  Laodicean and Philadelphian attitudes (as well
                to your articles on Truth! Do you have any ad-  as outright apostacy). I thank the Lord for lead-
                dresses   for  other   "Orthodox   Nazarene" ing me to your work.
                                                                I have a question for you as I have been fasci-
                Why don't you drop the "Hellenized" name of     nated by your articles. My late father, who em-
                our Lord Y'shua ben David?                      migrated to Canada from Italy (town of Locri
                                                                in the very south), told me that we are not
                Please keep sending me your bi-monthly maga-    really Italian but descended from ancient
                zine "Berean Voice." Anything you can send      Greeks who came from a place called Locris.
                our group to help us learn will be remembered   They came to establish Locri as a Greek city
                in prayer.                                      state and they came by boat, I believe through
                                                                the Aegean Sea. According to Will Durant's
                May HaShem Bless your Life!                     History of Civilization, the founders of Locri

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