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Gregorian calendar. Regarding what is accept- Wow -- this man has some serious problems!
able to do on the Sabbath, we are planning to First of all, he should do his homework and get
include an article on this topic in an upcoming all the facts before he accuses people of things
issue of the Berean Voice. A lot of the other he knows nothing of. Unfortunately, this is typi-
things you mention are derived from Jewish cal of the way Dankenbring works.
tradition, and we need to be careful in distin-
guishing the difference between tradition and Any Webmaster or person with knowledge of
what the Bible actually says. Hopefully we the Internet will tell you that when a website is
will have some articles on this some time soon. closed down the search engines retain those en-
Regarding the two dates for Pentecost -- you tries or links for a considerable period of time.
misread the web page. The February date is for This occurred when I closed down the Triumph
the New Moon, while June 11 is the date for website not long after I separated from Tri-
Pentecost. umph Prophetic Ministries -- and occurs when
any website is closed down. If you use search
Is This Man Taking Drugs? engines a lot, you will know what I mean -- the
Internet is full of dead links!
I recently received the following communica-
tion (by Certified Mail) from William F. Dank- For the uninitiated, search engines are con-
enbring of Triumph Prophetic Ministries: stantly sending out "spiders" that search the In-
ternet for new websites or web pages and,
Dear John Keyser: when they locate one, they automatically list
the contents in the search engine. This is an
I see you are fraudulently still advertising your automatic process which the Webmaster has no
"ministry" and putting yourself forth as Tri- control over.
umph Prophetic Ministries" on the internet, Al-
tavista, Lycos, and wherever else. This is a Similarly, a Webmaster has no control over re-
criminal act of impersonating and misrepre- moving these same links. To locate and/or re-
senting yourself and your ministry as being move all those dead links (which a Webmaster
"Triumph." I insist and command that you cease can only ask to have removed anyway) is a
and desist immediately, or we will initiate LE- daunting task considering the hundreds of
GAL ACTION against you to the full extent of search engines on the Internet today and the un-
the law. known number of links that may be on other
Furthermore, I insist and inform you that you do
not have my approval to list or advertise ANY To accuse me of "fraudulently still advertising
of my or Triumph's articles on your website your 'ministry' and putting yourself forth as
and give you notice that if you do not take all 'Triumph Prophetic Ministries' on the internet"
my material OFF your website, you will once and "impersonating and misrepresenting your-
again face legal action. I have had enough of self and your ministry as being 'Triumph'" is
your wickedness, deceptiveness, and deceitful sheer garbage of the highest order and gives me
plotting. Satan is your master and you will suf- the legal right -- if I so desire -- to take Dank-
fer his fate, sadly, unless you bitterly repent. enbring to court for defamation of character,
false accusations, etc.
Desist immediately,
William F. Dankenbring. Regarding Dankenbring's articles -- I have re-
tained some of his articles on the Hope of