Page 37 - BV6
P. 37
vs. 11 But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a
brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an
extortioner; with such an one no not to eat.
Let us now endeavor to return to all of Yahweh's Laws, showing that they are indeed writ-
ten on our hearts, that we may obtain mercy for all of the time we have dismissed them. And let us
never again consider the Apostle Paul the man who taught us that God's Moral and Civil Law was
changed or done away with.
/1 Cp. Gen 26:5: "Because that Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my command-
ments, my statutes, and my laws." He did this prior to circumcision.
/2 In the King James Version, all words in italics are not in the original text, like the word "is" in
vs. 17.
Vatican Alert... "It is an international signal for the whole
world," Arafat said of the pope's presence in
the West Bank, seizing quickly on the opportu-
The Sun, 3/2000 Headline: POPE BACKS nity to assert the Palestinian's claim to Jerusa-
PALESTINIAN HOMELAND. Bethlehem, lem as their capital, a pointed challenge to
West Bank -- Taking his Holy Land pilgrimage Israel. Arafat has said he will declare an inde-
in Palestinian territory, Pope John Paul II pendent state before the end of the year.
prayed Wednesday at Jesus' birthplace and
then bestowed a ringing endorsement on A giant poster of Arafat and the pope hung be-
Yasser Arafat's quest for an independent hind the stage that served as the pontifical al-
homeland. tar. Arafat sat in the front row for the Mass....
John Paul kissed Palestinian soil -- a gesture [Editor -- There never was a Palestinian peo-
normally reserved for sovereign states -- and ple, nation, language, culture or homeland.
heard fiery speeches from Palestinian refugees They are Arabs who immigrated into the land
demanding to be restored to their homes in of Israel with no more right to make a "home-
what is today Israel. He in turn deplored the land" therein than German, French, Dutch or
"degrading conditions" of their lives in refugee other immigrants to carve up America to make
"homelands" for themselves.]
"No one can ignore how much the Palestinian
people have had to suffer in recent decades," Hope of Israel Ministries --
the Pope said shortly after an Israeli air force Preparing the Way for the
helicopter deposited him in the West Bank near
Palestinian Authority President Arafat's offi- Return of YEHOVAH God
cial residence...Calling for...a "just and lasting and His Messiah!
peace," the pope emphasized that Palestinians
have "the natural right to a homeland."