Page 38 - BV6
P. 38

                                 A PRAYER TO YEHOVAH

                Courtesy of Jim Tabor, I include here the text of a moving, Biblically based, Prayer. This Prayer captures
                the heart and core of God's Truth for all mankind. I know of none quite like it. It is intended for both Jews
                and Gentiles (Israelites) alike. It reflects, in personal and devotional language, all that we have set forth in
                this magazine. I offer it to you. If it becomes your prayer, then you will have joined with others of like faith
                who "Wait upon YEHOVAH" in these dramatic and fearful times in which we live.

                God of gods, Lord of lords, the Great, the Mighty, the Awesome, whose Name alone is YE-
                HOVAH, the Eternal God of Hosts, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Our Father, we fer-
                vently call upon You.

                Ah Lord God, we are but dust and ashes! We are ashamed and embarrassed to lift our faces
                to You, for our iniquities have risen above our heads, and our guilt has grown even to the
                heavens. It is not on account of our own righteousness that we offer these supplications be-
                fore You, but on account of Your great compassion. What are we? What is our life? What is
                our goodness? What is our righteousness? What is our strength? In Your presence, Oh God,
                we are as nothing.

                Yet You have declared Yourself merciful and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in lov-
                ingkindness and faithfulness. You made the heavens and the earth by Your great Shekinah
                power and by Your outstretched arm. Nothing is too difficult for You. You are the God of
                Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, keeping covenant forever,showing mercy to thousands who fear
                Your Name and keep Your Commandments. Now for a brief moment you have shown grace
                to us in leaving an escaped remnant who sigh and cry over all the abominations of Israel and
                the nations.

                You have declared, YEHOVAH, our God, RETURN TO ME, AND I WILL RETURN TO
                YOU. We do RETURN O God! We fervently call upon You, we cry out to You, to SEND THE
                REDEEMER, to regather the lost sheep of all Israel, to crush the evil ways of the wicked. We
                long for that day when Your Truth will go forth from Zion to all the nations, when darkness
                will flee away, when the veil will be removed from all Israel and the nations, when the saints
                of the Most High will receive the Kingdom, when You will destroy the destroyers of the earth,
                when wars will be forever abolished, when justice and righteousness will fill the earth as the
                waters cover the sea, when You, YEHOVAH, will be King over all the earth and Your Name

                Oh YEHOVAH our God, God of Abraham Your friend, we call upon You together on this
                day, at this hour. Oh YEHOVAH hear! Oh YEHOVAH forgive! Oh YEHOVAH hearken and
                act! Oh YEHOVAH delay not! For Your sake, and for Zion, and for Your people, and for all
                humankind. In the appointed TIME you will hasten it, for it will certainly come, it will not
                delay. We bow the knee, we sigh and cry, we turn to You, YEHOVAH, our Rock and our Re-
                deemer. Hear our prayer O YEHOVAH, through Your first-begotten son, Yeshua the

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