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However, this CENTRAL doctrine of the Churches of God will not be denied! Deny it as
they will -- it is still there!
If you take any book on Catholic theology and COMPARE it with the April 1979 Good
News, as well as with Mr. Armstrong's book Mystery of the Ages, you will find the doctrine of the
primacy of Peter to be almost IDENTICAL -- even in form and layout! Further, in the November
20, 1978 Good News (article, "How Christ Gave the Church Its Beliefs" -- page 14, column 5) you
will find the following statement: "Now notice how Jesus gave Peter PRIMACY over apostles...."
Actually, scores of articles have been published by the Churches of God that lay out, in
great detail, the PRINCIPLES of government upon which these churches rest. The bottom line is --
the Worldwide Church of God, and others, DO INDEED believe and teach the doctrine of the pri-
macy of Peter! And when Joseph Tkach took over, then his son, NOTHING CHANGED regarding
this doctrine!
Men have always denied that which makes them look bad. The Worldwide Church of God
is no exception. But, realize this, once you understand the heart or the CENTRAL CORE of the
"Primacy" doctrine -- its motives and its purpose -- it no longer matters what name men attach to it.
A ten-year-old child could spot it!
The Worldwide Church of God and the Catholic Church are by no means the only groups
practicing this ancient doctrine. It is a prominent part of the so-called Philadelphia Church of God
as well as Meredith's Living Church of God and Dankenbring's Triumph Prophetic Ministries. In
one form or another, it holds a place of high honor within the doctrinal framework or policies of
most of the churches of modern-day "Christianity." And, note well, most -- if not all -- of the great
PAGAN RELIGIONS of the world also hold this doctrine close to their hearts.
This ancient doctrine is the SINGLE GREATEST TOOL ever devised by errant church
leaders to preserve UNITY. All the great despots of history have used it to preserve unity amongst
their peoples. It is, without a doubt, the "perfect" form of government.
In actuality, it is the one SATAN uses!
The doctrine of the primacy of peter was brought to the point of perfection by the hierarchy
of the Roman Catholic Church of God -- and has maintained UNITY within that organization for
the better part of the last 2,000 years.
The Caesars of Rome used it to maintain order and unity throughout the Roman Empire for
hundreds of years. By the time the Church of Rome adopted it, it had been well tested and honed to
a fine degree!
No other doctrine of government can boast anything like the success enjoyed by this VILE
and PERVERTED teaching.