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                       This, unfortunately, is also the historical justification men have always used to develop
               government, and to crank out great piles of legislation that always results in a LOSS OF LIBERTY
               for everyone!

                       Please understand that YEHOVAH DOES NOT love government. He gets no satisfaction
               from controlling and manipulating every little facet of the lives of His people! He has better things
               to do with His time! He does not want to continually walk around looking for someone who is out
               of line, so that he can correct them and drag them in a direction they do not wish to go!

                       Only men who are MENTALLY DEFICIENT enjoy this kind of thing! Men like Hitler!
               Men like Mussolini! Men like Joseph Tkach! Men like Gerald Flurry! Men like Rod Meredith!
               Men like Bill Dankenbring! Men like Richard Scott!

                       If you read the Bible you will soon realize that YEHOVAH never said one word about
               government until MEN FORCED HIM TO -- by trampling all over His holy, righteous Law! He
               did not even say anything to Eve about being "under" the authority of her husband until she had
               proven unwilling to be "under" the authority of YEHOVAH.

                       You must understand that the Government of God, the increase of which "there shall be no
               end," is the GOVERNMENT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT! It is this governing of each mind by the holy
               spirit (by the express desire and consent of that mind) that is the TRUE GOVERNMENT OF GOD!

                                            Danger of the Primacy of Peter

                       Because of mankind's sin, YEHOVAH allows any form of government conceived by the
               mind of man as a TEMPORARY Band-Aid. However, at their worst these governments are pure,
               unadulterated wickedness!

                       Now, the doctrine of the "Primacy of Peter," or the "Vicar of Christ," or the "Hierarchy of
               Order" gives a man (in simple terms) the SOLE AUTHORITY to interpret the Bible, define sin and
               set doctrine.

                       Furthermore, it gives him the authority to BIND his interpretations, definitions and doc-
               trines upon the conscience of other men. His decisions, therefore, become binding (according to
               this doctrine) before Almighty God -- binding upon pain of disfellowshipment, eternal death or
               even eternal torture in hell-fire!

                       Men can only work together in peace through the SPIRIT OF YEHOVAH, otherwise they
               must have a government controlling their actions! When men resist YEHOVAH's spirit it departs
               from them, to be replaced by their own selfish desires.

                       To maintain peace, those groups of men (or churches) who are resisting the spirit of YE-
               HOVAH MUST resort to one of the many forms of government patterned after the primacy of Pe-
               ter.  Once a church begins to resist the influence of the holy spirit, only TWO OPTIONS are
               available: Break up and go their separate ways, or develop government.

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