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                       Within the Catholic Church of God, or the Worldwide Church of God today, or Danken-
               bring's church, only the Pope or the Apostle is qualified to interpret the scriptures! It is considered
               rebellion against the authority of Christ to disagree with  THEIR interpretation. To receive salva-
               tion, you must accept THEIR interpretation of scripture!

                       The spirit of Anti-Christ claims the right to perform the function of the holy spirit. In other
               words, it REPLACES "Christ in you" -- it is IN THE PLACE OF CHRIST! It is his VICAR!

                       The spirit of Anti-Christ, in its ultimate prophetic fulfillment as "the Man of Sin" (II Thes-
               salonians 2), will DEMAND absolute, unquestioning obedience to him and his doctrines -- re-
               gardless of conscience! Notice what Paul says: "Who opposes and exalts himself above all that is
               called God or that is worshipped, so that he sits AS GOD in the temple of God, showing himself
               that he is God" (II Thessalonians 2:4).

                       He thinks he is the ultimate "government of God on earth!"

                       He usurps the prerogative of the holy spirit because it is the spirit of YEHOVAH which
               BINDS DOCTRINE upon the conscience of men -- writes it in their hearts and minds.

                       Understand this: Whenever men take to themselves the powers of YEHOVAH, they make
               of themselves a God. In their extreme arrogance they step into the office of Jesus Christ and stand
               up before the Church, and take to themselves the APPLAUSE and the PRAISE. They promote
               FEAR -- and even, eventually, WORSHIP -- of themselves, which belongs ONLY to Christ and
               YEHOVAH God the Father.

                       Brethren -- LOOK AROUND YOU TODAY, IS THIS NOT TAKING PLACE IN THE
               CHURCHES OF GOD?

                       These FALSE MINISTERS love the applause and the praise, and will do ANYTHING to
               keep from losing it! These ministers violently deny that a Christian can be accepted by YEHOVAH
               without THEIR approval and THEIR guidance.

                       The spirit of Anti-Christ also denies that the Christian can be accepted by YEHOVAH
               without his approval. He will not accept the notion that a man who lives in this world -- "HIS
               WORLD" -- is not required to go through him (use him as an intermediary) to receive the approval
               of YEHOVAH. He also will not accept that a man has DIRECT ACCESS to the mind of YEHO-
               VAH -- in a way he NEVER can! He simply CANNOT BEAR the eternal fact that EVERY KNEE
               (including his own) must bow only to Christ and the Father.

                       But what is even more difficult for him to admit, is that the ONLY hope of salvation is
               through the presence of the spirit of YEHOVAH in you. Notice Colossians 1:27: "To them God
               willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: WHICH
               IS CHRIST IN YOU, THE HOPE OF GLORY." And now Romans 8:11: "But if the spirit of Him
               who raised Jesus from the dead DWELLS IN YOU, He who raised Christ from the dead will
               ALSO give life to your mortal bodies THROUGH HIS SPIRIT WHICH DWELLS IN YOU."
               "Christ in you," or the spirit of YEHOVAH in you, is the ONLY hope of glory!

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