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14 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 12
Paul commanded the Corinthian church Genesis 19:12.
members to PUT OUT the sinful, “LEAV- COMMENT: Lot was commanded to
ENED” member of their congregation (verse 7), leave -- UTTERLY FORSAKE -- the wicked
that the church might be spiritually “UN- city in which he and his family lived.
LEAVENED.” 4. When morning came, did Lot
8. What does Paul mean by the last part IMMEDIATELY OBEY? Genesis 19:15-16.
of verse 8? Doesn’t he mean they should put out COMMENT: Lot found it difficult to
this “spiritual leaven,” JUST AS THEY HAD leave his home and business (his past way of
PUT OUT PHYSICAL LEAVEN in preparation life). Lot hesitated. And so the angels had to
for the Days of Unleavened Bread? Verses 7 nearly drag him and his family out of SINFUL
and 8. Sodom!
COMMENT: The Corinthians were to 5. What else did the angels command Lot
keep the feast without the spiritual “leaven” of and his family? Verse 17. But what did Lot’s
sin, as well as without the physical leaven of wife do? Verse 26. How was she punished?
yeast. One was a type of the other. They were to Same verse.
keep it not only with the symbolic flat bread of COMMENT: The Bible teaches that
the Festival, but in spiritually “unleavened” Lot’s wife became a literal pillar of salt. The salt
sincerity and truth! has long since washed away. But salt itself is a
SYMBOL of something that is lasting, or
Remember Lot’s Wife! enduring. Lot’s wife is a PERPETUAL
EXAMPLE of one who was NOT willing to
Few people realize the absolute necessity completely forsake sin as YEHOVAH God
of coming out of sin and forsaking the sinful commands.
ways of this world. They are like Lot’s wife. 6. Does YEHOVAH teach us that life in
Turn in Genesis 18 and 19 to the vivid these perilous end times is very much like life
example of Lot and his family escaping the was in the wicked city of Sodom? Luke
debauchery of Sodom. 17:28-30.
1. Had YEHOVAH God determined to 7. What is YEHOVAH’s instruction to
destroy Sodom because of the wickedness of the us today? Verses 31-33.
people living there? Genesis 18:20-21; 19:13. COMMENT: Lot’s wife wanted to turn
2. When YEHOVAH’s angels arrived in back -- to disobediently continue her life in
Sodom, who greeted them? Genesis 19:1 Does sinful Sodom. SO SHE PAID WITH HER LIFE!
Scripture tell us Lot was righteous in YE- Her example is a WARNING for us today that
HOVAH’s sight, even though he was living in we should be willing to give up sin and the sinful
the midst of sinful Sodom? II Peter 2:7-8. What ways of this world and rather submit to
was Lot’s attitude toward the city of Sodom? YEHOVAH’s laws -- lest we cling to the
God commands us to come out of -- FLEE from WITH IT!
-- sin and the WRONG WAYS of this present The decision to FORSAKE SIN is up to
evil world, we still must live IN the world (I you. It is YOUR PART in YEHOVAH’s Master
Corinthians 5:9-10; John 17:14-15). Plan. YEHOVAH God will not force you, but if
3. After seeing the degradation to which you don’t forsake sin willingly -- here and now --
Sodom had fallen, and determining to carry out you can NEVER FULFILL YEHOVAH’s
YEHOVAH’s command to destroy it (Genesis purpose for your life -- the development of
19:13), what did the angels command Lot?
Days of Unleavened Bread -- Your Part in YEHOVAH’s Master Plan