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Lesson 12 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 15
righteous, holy character. And you will never “unleavening” their lives -- forsaking their old
receive the gift of eternal life! ways -- and are again overcome by their old
sins? II Peter 2:20-22.
Forsake Sin! 5. What then was Paul’s example? I
Corinthians 9:25-27. Did Paul understand that
The Messiah’s sacrifice blots out all unless he was continually putting sin out of his
PAST SINS. Should you now CONTINUE in life he might be CAST AWAY -- never to
sin? This question was asked of the apostle Paul. receive eternal life? Same verses.
Let’s see how he answered it! 6. Does YEHOVAH God promise to
1. When Paul asked if we should SUPERNATURALLY HELP those who repent
continue in sin, what did he say? Romans and believe because He is merciful and
6:15-16. What was his apostolic command? understands the pressures of man’s human
Romans 6:12. weaknesses? I Corinthians 10:13.
COMMENT: We are all, by nature,
suffering the penalty of sin, which is DEATH! The Messiah’s Answer!
(Romans 6:23.) But the Messiah’s sacrifice
gives us “grace” -- FREE UNMERITED 1. What is it that YOU MUST DO to
PARDON from the penalty of our past sins. The inherit eternal life? When the Messiah was asked
Messiah died so that WE would not have to die this question what did He reply? Matthew
eternal death! Now YEHOVAH God expects us 19:16-17. Was this rich young ruler concerned
to obey His law, to “unleaven” our lives! about HIS PART -- what YEHOVAH expected
YEHOVAH does not want us to willfully HIM TO DO -- to receive the gift of eternal life?
continue in sin -- to incur the penalty of death Same verses.
again -- for then we would have to die and COMMENT: If YEHOVAH God
remain dead FOR ALL ETERNITY! (Hebrews Almighty expected men to do nothing at all -- if
10:26.) the plan of salvation was REALLY completed at
2. Does YEHOVAH promise to help us the tree -- this was Yeshua the Messiah’s
escape the temptations of sin, just as He helped GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY TO SAY SO!
the Israelites escape from Egypt? Won’t He be 2. But what was the Messiah’s answer?
as MERCIFUL to us as He was to Lot? II Peter Verse 17. Did the young ruler understand
2:9. immediately which commandments Yeshua
3. Does YEHOVAH God remind us that referred to, or was he confused by the numerous
He will reject anyone who has understood His Pharisaic additions to YEHOVAH’s Biblical
Master Plan and DELIBERATELY returns to laws? Verse 18. Didn’t the Messiah quote from
the sinful ways of the world as did Lot’s wife? the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20) to indicate
Hebrews 6:4-8. Why? Verse 6. WHICH COMMANDMENTS He meant?
COMMENT: Almighty God MEANS Matthew 19:18-19.
BUSINESS! Those who deliberately rebel, 3. Now that he understood, did the young
those who have rejected the sacrifice of the ruler affirm that he had kept the Ten
Messiah, who have forgotten that their sins were Commandments from his youth? Verse 20.
taken away (II Peter 1:9) -- they have What was his next question? Verse 20, last part.
WILLFULLY REJECTED THEIR CHANCE 4. Did Yeshua the Messiah know what
for salvation. ONE THING the rich young ruler had not yet
4. What does the apostle Peter tell us overcome his GREED FOR PERSONAL
about people who have begun in YEHOVAH’s WEALTH -- the LEAVEN of sin that was still in
way but have not done their part in his life? What did Yeshua say? Verse 21.
Days of Unleavened Bread -- Your Part in YEHOVAH’s Master Plan