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16 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 12

5. When the rich man heard this, was he HOW TO LOVE YEHOVAH GOD. The second
willing to submit to YEHOVAH God? Verse 22. great commandment, love of neighbor,
COMMENT: YEHOVAH knows what summarizes the last six of the Ten
you are seeking first. If you value ANYTHING Commandments which teach us HOW TO
connected with the carnal, mundane society of LOVE OUR NEIGHBOR! (Exodus 20:1-17.)
this evil age MORE THAN your opportunity to Yeshua told the lawyer EXACTLY
receive the gift of eternal life and be born into WHAT HE TOLD THE RICH MAN. He
His Kingdom, you will never inherit eternal life. revealed to him the spirit and intent of
YEHOVAH God Almighty promises to TEST YEHOVAH’s law.
YOU, to see if you are REALLY WILLING TO For examples of what the Messiah
submit yourself to Him and DO YOUR COM- expects us to do -- to take the Ten Com-
6. One other time in his ministry Yeshua FICATIONS -- read thoroughly Matthew
was confronted with this same question. Turn to 5:17-47.
Luke 10 and see how Yeshua answered the We must dedicate our lives to continual
lawyer who tested him. growing -- overcoming the leaven of sin in our
What was the lawyer’s question -- wasn’t lives. We are never to stop STRIVING with
it the VERY SAME one the rich young ruler ALL OUR MIGHT to overcome. The Messiah’s
asked? Luke 10:25. command is, “BECOME YE PERFECT, EVEN
religious denomination in Palestine had THEIR IS PERFECT!" (Matthew 5:48, corrected
OWN pet ideas on “salvation,” without translation.)
obedience to YEHOVAH God. They all tried to HOW MUCH does YEHOVAH expect
impress their human ideas upon people in much us to do? To surrender 100% to Him! We must
the same way the religious denominations today give EVERY OUNCE of our abilities to
obscure YEHOVAH’s truth and SUBSTITUTE conquering the downward pull of our human
THEIR OWN VAIN TRADITIONS. The nature and learn more perfectly to obey
lawyer was trying to trick the Messiah, but YEHOVAH’s commandments.
Yeshua asked him a question in return. Only in this way do we partake of
7. What did Yeshua ask? Verse 26. YEHOVAH’s own character.
8. Did the lawyer know which were the As we grow, we will become strong. The
greatest commandments? Verses 27 and 28 stronger we are, the MORE we can do -- and the
compared with Matthew 22:37-40 and Mark more YEHOVAH expects from us. Finally we
12:30-31. What was Yeshua the Messiah’s will be FULLY MATURE, ripe fruit -- ready for
teaching? Luke 10:28. YEHOVAH’s spiritual harvest!
COMMENT: Notice that UPON This is the message now revealed for you
THESE TWO COMMANDMENTS HANG in the seven perfect Days of Unleavened Bread!
ALL THE LAWS OF YOUR BIBLE, AND The Days of Unleavened Bread remind
ALL THE WRITINGS OF THE PROPHETS! us annually that unless we are actively working,
The expression, “the law and the prophets” striving with all our might to put the leaven of sin
actually refers to the ENTIRE OLD TEST- out of our lives, we are not doing OUR PART. It
These two commandments are SIMPLE Yes, YEHOVAH God expects you to do
SUMMARY COMMANDS. The first, love of YOUR PART in His plan, but there is NO WAY
YEHOVAH God, summarizes basically the first YOU can EARN salvation! Eternal life in
four of the Ten Commandments which teach us YEHOVAH’s Kingdom is a FREE GIFT --

Days of Unleavened Bread -- Your Part in YEHOVAH’s Master Plan
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