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Lesson 18 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 13

YEHOVAH’s government is to be restored? -- and to repentance by the seven last plagues
Acts 3:19-21. (represented by the seven trumpets) to be
COMMENT: At-one-ment will not be inflicted on her.
complete with merely the carrying away of sin. 12. Is this the attitude pictured by fasting
The greatest task will be remaining. People will on the Day of Atonement?
still be hating each other. Man’s mind, man’s COMMENT: The Day of Atonement is
very nature, must be refashioned -- his character a vivid illustration of the state of mind necessary
reshaped and remolded until it becomes “at one” for salvation -- of the humility, the godly sorrow,
with YEHOVAH God. Then the fully confirmed the earnest seeking for the right way. It is also a
new covenant will be completed. warning of the state to which YEHOVAH God
11. What will be the attitude of both will be forced to reduce Israel following the
Israel and Judah “in that time"? Jeremiah 31:9, seven last plagues.
34; 50:4, 5. Who does YEHOVAH God blame 13. Will the nations of Israel have any
for their past sins and wrong attitudes? Verse 6. more disagreements or jealousies of ONE
Isn’t this Satan’s doing -- THROUGH his ANOTHER? Isaiah 11:13. Will they then
counterfeit ministers? II Corinthians 11:13-15. cooperate to convert Gentile nations to the
But “in that time" will Israel and Judah have any government of YEHOVAH God? Verse 14.
more sin? Jeremiah 50:20; Zechariah 3:9. Also Romans 11:12, 15.
COMMENT: YEHOVAH God says, “I 14. And seeing Israel’s right example,
will pardon them whom I reserve.” There will be will Gentile nations willingly, of their own
at-one-ment between YEHOVAH God and volition, seek to YEHOVAH’s nation for the
Israel. Israel will have been brought to her knees way of peace and at-one-ment? Deuteronomy
4:6. See also Ephesians 2:
15. What will the
Gentiles say when they have
learned the truth -- and
realize at last how the father
of lies (John 8:44) has
deceived them? Will they
forsake the ways of their
ancestors? Jeremiah 16:19.

New Testament Church
Kept Day of Atonement

1. Did the apostle Paul
tell us YEHOVAH’s Holy
events to come -- illustrate
the plan of YEHOVAH God
in advance? Colossians
Note the proper trans-
Aerial view of Jerusalem. In the center, the site of the Roman lation of verse 17 is that
garrison, over which the Islamic Dome of the Rock has been built. YEHOVAH’s days “fore-

Day of Atonement -- AT-ONE-MENT with YEHOVAH God!
   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18