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Lesson 18 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 15

YEHOVAH’s Holy Days -- including the fast of food? Same verses, and also Exodus 34:28;
the Day of Atonement! Esther 4:16; Acts 9:9.
5. Is it through the minor affliction of
Why We Must Keep “the Fast” Today fasting that we become one with the Messiah
who suffered so TREMENDOUSLY FOR us
1. Was the Day of Atonement chosen as that we might become at-one with YEHOVAH
the beginning of a time of release? Leviticus God? Isaiah 53:4, 7. The same Hebrew word
25:9, 10. Doesn’t this make it obvious that the anah is used here that is used for fasting,
purpose of this Day is to symbolize release from afflicting the soul.
bondage? COMMENT: The Day of Atonement
COMMENT: The Jubilee was given the serves to keep us in remembrance of the fact that
Israelites that their poor might be released from we are still weak mortal flesh.
debts they were unable to pay. Every fiftieth year The Day of Atonement fast also shows
those who had sold themselves into slavery for us how much our lives, our actions, and our
food to eat and clothes to wear were released. thoughts are taken up with self. When we get
Inherited land lost through poverty was restored hungry, we suddenly find that we are still very
to the family rightly owning it. This is typical of carnal minded.
man’s future Atonement release from the 6. The vanity of carnal human nature can
bondage of the demon world -- the temptations cause us to become exalted and puffed up with
and delusions of Satan and his demons -- and of thoughts of self esteem. On what kind of man
the restoration to each nation of its own land. will YEHOVAH God look with favor? Isaiah
2. Why is it necessary for there to be a 66:2.
Day of At-one-ment? Isaiah 59:2; Psalm 66:18. COMMENT: Fasting on the Day of
COMMENT: We all, whether Israelite Atonement helps us to realize just how small and
or Gentile, have sinned (Romans 3:23). And so weak we really are, and how desperately we
we have become SEPARATED from need to become more humble and obedient to
YEHOVAH God. Our crying need for YEHOVAH God.
reunification -- atonement -- with YEHOVAH 7. Did Yeshua teach that he who humbles
God is emphasized by the fact the word himself shall be exalted? Luke 14:11. And that
“atonement” appears no less than 45 times in the no one can be accepted of YEHOVAH God until
book of Leviticus alone. he becomes humble? Luke 18:14.
3. The Old Testament observances so far COMMENT: Notice Luke 18:11, that
studied were ritualistic. Only the high priest and this Pharisee fasted weekly from a wrong
a few assistants were involved in performing motive. His fasting was penance, thinking that
them. But the WHOLE POPULATION or YEHOVAH God would be pleased if he made
congregation of Israel has a part of its own to himself suffer, and would grant him HIS will.
play. That part is TO FAST AND ABSTAIN That is not the purpose of the Day of Atonement.
from work on the Day of Atonement. Leviticus True humbling is repentance, not penance. It
23:29-32. Does it say “forever” -- and “through- leads to conversion -- admitting one’s human
out your generations" -- and “in all your ways are all wrong and turning to YEHOVAH’s
dwellings”? ways, receiving the power of the holy spirit to
Why does the act of fasting indicate completely overshadow one’s own puny human
sorrow because of sin? Ezra 10:6; strength.
Deuteronomy 9:8, 9, 18. 8. What great event should we look
4. Isn’t the Bible example of spiritual forward to as we fast on the Day of Atonement?
fasting always to go without water as well as Review I Corinthians 15:35-54.

Day of Atonement -- AT-ONE-MENT with YEHOVAH God!
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