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16 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 18

COMMENT: The glorious spirit bodies who carelessly keep it in some manner other
we will have after the resurrection, or than YEHOVAH commanded, are not converted
instantaneous change of the just, will have no and will be “cut off” from among the people of
need of food to sustain life. Our physical bodies YEHOVAH God. Their part is the lake of fire
today gain their pittance of chemical energy WITH Satan. Those ready when the Messiah
from plant products or animal flesh. Without returns will enter the Kingdom -- the very
constant replenishment, we would run down Family -- of YEHOVAH God. But outside will
quickly and die. But it is not so with spirit. Spirit be darkness and weeping and gnashing of teeth
contains life inherent within itself, not (Matthew 22:11-13) reserved for THOSE
dependent upon any outside source. WHO KNOW their Master’s will (Luke
When we fast on the Day of Atonement it 12:46-48) AND DO IT NOT!
pictures to us the time and condition when we
will no longer need to eat. We will NO
LONGER BE EARTHBOUND, tied to this Additional Articles...
mundane sphere with its supply of physical food
and drinkable water. It pictures the time we shall Who or What is the “Azazel” Goat of
have the power to go where we will (John 3:8), Leviticus 16?
whenever and wherever necessary to carry out
the government of YEHOVAH God, while we New Understanding About YOM
teach others how to live joyfully and happily and KIPPUR!
how to inherit the same wonderful spirit bodies
we will have. The Annual Holy Days Reveal the
We should not sorrow as we fast and Awesome Plan of YEHOVAH God!
“afflict” our souls on the Day of Atonement.
Though we sorrow for sin, we rejoice. Though Does It Really Matter What DAYS We
subdued physically, in spirit we thrill with life! Keep?
The Day of Atonement, like all of YEHOVAH’s
Holy Days, is a time of hope and great rejoicing. “Your Feast Days My Soul Hates!” Says
9. The commandment to observe the fast YEHOVAH God!
of the Day of Atonement is also a TEST of our
sincere desire to really serve and OBEY See page 2 for mailing address.
YEHOVAH God. How does James say we will
receive the ability to withstand Satan during this Books to Read...
LIFE? James 4:6, 7, 10. Surely humbling
ourselves -- resisting Satan and submitting to
Secrets of Golgotha: The Forgotten
YEHOVAH God -- is symbolic of how we will
History of Christ’s Crucifixion, by
be able to replace him as world ruler. Does
Ernest L. Martin
Mark 9:29 also show how YEHOVAH’s
servants receive the necessary power to cast out
The Temples That Jerusalem Forgot,
the demons? Is it by prayer AND fasting?
by Ernest L. Martin
COMMENT: Those who are truly
converted -- surrendered to YEHOVAH’s will --
The Temple: Its Ministry and Services
will keep the Day of Atonement, fasting and
As They Were at the Time of Jesus
meeting with others of YEHOVAH’s true
Christ, by Alfred Edersheim
Church if at all possible.
Those who refuse to keep this day, or

Day of Atonement -- AT-ONE-MENT with YEHOVAH God!
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