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18 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 24
of Israel and Judah! “David SLEPT with his that He will finally give us eternal life. See a
fathers" (I Kings 2:10). Notice that it does not dictionary for the full definition of the word
say “the body slept, but the soul was conscious.” “earnest.”
It plainly says, “DAVID slept.” IT WAS THE 12. Unless we have the holy spirit
CONSCIOUS PERSON WHO FELL ASLEEP abiding in us, have we any right to be called the
IN DEATH! Messiah’s or “Christians”? Romans 8:9.
In the following verses the same 13. If the holy spirit dwells in us, will it
expression is used to describe death. Look each be the agent by which YEHOVAH God
one up and see for yourself that death is a sleep! I quickens, or makes alive, our mortal bodies at
Kings 11:21, 43 and 14:20, 31 and 15:8, 24 and the resurrection? Romans 8:11. If we are
16:6, 28 and 22:40, 50; II Kings 8:24 and 10:35 begotten and led by the spirit of YEHOVAH
and 13:9, 13 and 14:16, 22, 29 and 15:7, 22, 38 God, what are we? Verse 14-15.
and 16:20 and 20:21 and 21:18 and 24:6; II
Chronicles 9:31 and 12:16 and 14:1 and 16:13 When Did Paul Expect to Be with the
and 21:1 and 26:2, 23 and 27:9 and 28:27 and Messiah?
32:33 and 33:20.
CERTAINLY HERE IS EVIDENCE There are some who believe that when
THAT THE DEAD ARE NOT CONSCIOUS. Christians die they go immediately to heaven to
THE UNCONSCIOUS SPIRIT ESSENCE IN be with the Messiah. They claim Paul’s
EACH MAN AND WOMAN -- “THE SPIRIT statement in Philippians 1:23-24 as supposed
IN MAN" -- SLEEPS! proof. Let us study these verses, to see if they
10. When the dead hear the voice of the overthrow all the rest of Scripture and teach that
Son of YEHOVAH God at the resurrection, man is an immortal soul after all.
where will they come from -- heaven? John 1. Did Paul have a desire to be with the
5:28-29. Or will they come out of their graves? If Messiah? Philippians 1:23. Should all
they come out of their graves, that is where they Christians have the same desire?
must have been! Notice that these verses do 2. But does this verse state WHERE Paul
NOT say that the souls descend from heaven and would go and WHEN he would be with the
join the bodies -- rather the dead come to life Messiah? No! There is not one word here
through a resurrection and leave their graves to mentioning heaven as the place Paul wanted to
join the Messiah (I Thessalonians 4:17). be, nor is there one word saying that Paul would
11. When that INSTANTANEOUS be with the Messiah IMMEDIATELY. People
CHANGE comes at the resurrection, are we to read these ideas into the Bible, but they are not
be clothed with -- TO PUT ON -- SPIRIT? I there!
Corinthians 15:51-53 and II Corinthians 5:1-5 3. Did Paul expect to be with the Messiah
Is this spirit eternal? Last part of II Corinthians after he was “offered” -- KILLED? II Timothy
5:1 and II Corinthians 4:18. Does the spirit 4:6-8. Was the time of Paul’s DEATH then at
which will compose us at the resurrection come hand? What did he expect to receive from the
down from heaven? Notice II Corinthians 5, Messiah when he would meet him? Verse 8.
verse 2. If we have been begotten of the holy When did he expect to receive this crown? What
spirit, after repenting, believing, and being “day” is Paul referring to? -- the day
baptized, do we even now have the “earnest” of immediately after his death, or the day of the
the spirit? II Corinthians 5:5. resurrection? Last part of verse 8. Isn’t the time
COMMENT: The “earnest” of the spirit of the Messiah’s appearing plainly the time of
means a small portion of spirit given by the resurrection?
YEHOVAH God to bind His bargain with us 4. When the Messiah returns, will he
DEATH -- Where Is Your Sting?