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Lesson 24 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 19
bring his rewards with him to give to those who 4:1. Proof of a conscious immortal soul? No!
are resurrected? Isaiah 40:10 and Revelation Proof, rather, of the RESURRECTION, and of
22:12. the “spirit in man” which sleeps until the
COMMENT: Some people use these resurrection.
two verses to “prove” that Yeshua the Messiah is
the Creator God of the Old Testament -- but this Can the Soul Be Destroyed?
simply is not true. BOTH YEHOVAH God
AND the Messiah are coming to this earth in the One final scripture is frequently quoted
future, YEHOVAH God to rule the earth from in an attempt to support the ERRONEOUS
His Temple in Jerusalem and the Messiah to act doctrine of the immortality of the soul. That
as His high priest. For more details write for our scripture is Matthew 10:28. Open your Bible to
article, The Return of YEHOVAH God and His this verse and read it.
Messiah! 1. According to Matthew 10:28, is the
soul something that can be DE-
STROYED? Then doesn’t Yeshua
plainly show that the “SOUL” IS NOT
IMMORTAL? Let’s understand
exactly what the Messiah is talking
2. Aren’t Christians to reckon
themselves as already being SYM-
BOLICALLY DEAD through water
baptism? Romans 6:4 and 11.
3. Is the “old man” -- the OLD
Messiah? Romans 6:3-6. Is this old
carnal mind, the CARNAL ATTI-
At death your conscious self dies and your mind ceases to
TUDE, the carnal self or soul, to be
think. You remain in this state until the resurrection.
reckoned as figuratively having DIED
with the Messiah? Verse 8.
5. When are all the Christians to meet the COMMENT: When a person repents of
Lord? I Thessalonians 4:16-17. his sins, YEHOVAH God requires him to
COMMENT: Those who are dead in FIGURATIVELY KILL his own old sinful soul,
their graves are not conscious; they have no or life, by being immersed, or baptized --
knowledge of passing time. The very next BURIED -- in water.
moment in their consciousnesses will be the time 4. Since CHRISTIANS HAVE AL-
of the resurrection! That is why Paul wrote in II READY RECKONED THEIR SINFUL LIVES
Corinthians 5:9-10: “Wherefore we labour, -- OR THEIR SOULS -- AS DEAD with the
that, whether present [alive in the flesh] or Messiah, is the body the only remaining thing
absent [dead in the grave], we may be accepted which men can kill? Matthew 10:28. Let’s
of Him." understand the full significance of this scripture.
When? COMMENT: Men can kill the body.
Verse 10 tells! At the judgment when the But they cannot touch the SPIRIT IN MAN! The
Messiah returns. That is when Paul expects to “soul” that men cannot kill is also symbolic of
receive the reward of his labors! See II Timothy the BEGOTTEN SPIRITUAL LIFE of a
DEATH -- Where Is Your Sting?