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Lesson 24 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 15

dust became the soul! THE SOUL IS the POWER which imparts to us the gift of
MATERIAL -- NOT SPIRITUAL. eternal life? Compare Acts 5:32 with Acts 2:38.
This HUMAN spirit imparts to the Notice also Romans 8:11.
human brain the power of MIND. Without it, no COMMENT: Even though we obey
man could comprehend HUMAN knowledge YEHOVAH God while composed of earthly
WHICH IS WHOLLY PHYSICAL AND flesh, that obedience does not earn or impart
MATERIAL KNOWLEDGE. This knowledge eternal life. Obedience is a CONDITION to
is confined to that which enters the mind through continued receipt of the holy spirit (incorrectly
the five sensory channels. But such a mind translated “Holy Ghost”) -- the POWER by
STILL cannot comprehend spiritual knowledge. which we are raised from the dead to eternal life
5. How, then, can man know and -- to immortality! (I Corinthians 15:44, 50-54.)
understand SPIRITUAL things? I Corinthians We must be raised from the dead. We
2:11. Be sure to read this verse in its context. must be born again -- born of YEHOVAH God
COMMENT: Spiritual things cannot be who is spirit (John 4:24) in order to gain
seen with the eye, heard with the ear, felt with immortality.
the hands. The greatest minds -- scientific, 4. When we are raised from the dead and
philosophical minds -- cannot really come to born -- born again from above -- of what are we
know and understand SPIRITUAL truths. to be composed -- of spirit? John 3:6. How does
Just as no animal BRAIN, without this this compare with I Corinthians 15:44-46?
and comprehension of PHYSICAL knowledge SPIRIT IS NOT A REFORMING OF AN
on the HUMAN plane; even so, no HUMAN IMMORTAL SOUL we are now supposed to
MIND can have comprehension of spiritual possess -- but a NEW BIRTH. That is the reason
things on the DIVINE plane, unless or until the Yeshua said, “Ye must be born again” (John
HOLY SPIRIT of YEHOVAH GOD has been 3:7). You must be raised from the dead. Through
imparted to this human mind. a resurrection, and simultaneously BEING
Satan has deceived the whole world into BORN OF THE SPIRIT, YOU WILL then
counterfeiting this human spirit, and represent- HAVE a body of spirit -- ETERNALLY
ing it as an immortal soul. THAT IS SATAN’S LIVING spirit -- and NOT one of fleshly
LIE! protoplasm subject to death! You will be born as
an immortal spirit into THE VERY FAMILY
How to Receive Eternal Life OF YEHOVAH GOD (Ephesians 3:15 and
Hebrews 12:9).
Man is a physical being, POSSESSING
ONLY PHYSICAL LIFE. If man is to live Only YEHOVAH God Is Immortal!
MADE TO ABRAHAM, he must acquire Many still twist all of these Bible
ETERNAL life. But how? passages about death and apply them to the
1. Is eternal life a GIFT that YEHOVAH body, clinging to the pagan idea that they now
God must bestow upon man? Romans 6:23. possess an immortal soul. Let us notice how the
2. What did Yeshua answer the young Bible uses the words “immortal” and “immor-
man who asked how to obtain this gift of eternal tality.”
life? Matthew 19:17. Is keeping YEHOVAH’s 1. Where is the only place in the Bible
commandments a requirement? that the word “immortal” appears? I Timothy
3. Is obedience to YEHOVAH God 1:17.
necessary in order to receive the Holy Spirit -- COMMENT: This verse refers to Ye-

DEATH -- Where Is Your Sting?
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