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10 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 24
to man’s thoughts when death dead soul. That’s what your
overtakes man? Same verse, Bible reveals!
last part. Do his thoughts 2. Can the soul die?
continue to exist in an im- Ezekiel 18:4 and 20. If the soul
mortal soul -- or do his were immortal, it could not
thoughts PERISH? Does die, could it? Then the soul is
PERISH mean to exist for- plainly MORTAL, isn’t it?
ever, or to CEASE to exist? Job 4:17.
(Look up the meaning in your COMMENT: Since the
dictionary.) soul is mortal, and man is a
soul, then man is MORTAL --
Man IS a Mortal Soul subject to DEATH. That is
why the Scripture calls a
1. When YEHOVAH human being “MORTAL
God had breathed -- blown -- MAN.”
air or breath into the man’s 3. Was Adam subject to
nostrils, what did the man death? Genesis 2:17, last part.
Adam become? Genesis 2:7, Was it the body only that
last part. would die, or was it the
COMMENT: The o- conscious man -- Adam --
riginal Hebrew word here “thou” -- that would die?
translated “soul” is “ne- 4. Does the same thing
phesh.” Young’s Concor- happen to men that happens to
ance defines it as a “breathing beasts? Ecclesiastes 3:19.
creature." Strong’s Concor- What one thing befalls both
dance also defines it as a man and beast alike? Same
“breathing creature, i.e. verse. Why? -- because they
animal." In Genesis 1:21, 24; all have the same TEM-
2:19; 9:10, 12, 15, 16 and PORARY source of life, the
Leviticus 11:46 the same breath of air? Do men and
word “nephesh” IS translated animals all breathe air from the
When it comes to physical life,
“creature” when referring to same source? When it comes
man has no preeminence above a
animals. And so man is a to physical life, man has no
beast -- they all go to the same
creature; MAN IS A SOUL. preeminence above a beast,
ANIMALS ARE creatures or does he?
SOULS, too! Notice the same word “nephesh” 5. Do all go to the same place at death?
IS translated as “dead body” or “the dead” in Ecclesiastes 3:20. Does this include ALL -- men
Leviticus 19:28; 21:1; 22:4; Numbers 5:2; and animals alike? When an animal dies, it is
6:11 and 9:6, 7, 10. THE SOUL, THEN, IS dead; SO DIES MAN also. When man dies, he is
ANIMAL LIFE, SUBJECT TO DECAY AND completely dead, too.
DEATH. IT IS NOT IMMORTAL. 6. What is it that all men and animals
The SOUL IS COMPOSED OF THE return to? Same verse. Do they ALL return to
DUST of the ground -- it is material, not dust? Does this verse say that only the body
spiritual. It is matter. When the man returns to dust? Was it only the body, or was it
BREATHES, he is a LIVING soul. When man the ENTIRE CONSCIOUS MAN that was
ceases to breathe, he becomes a non-living or
DEATH -- Where Is Your Sting?