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8 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 24

OF THAT PLANT OR ANIMAL. Not even the and man is flesh!
philosophers of the western world believe that. What about the doctrine of the
Do YOU believe that the life of a plant is immortality of the soul? What has science to say
some mysterious something that existed prior to about it? NOTHING! SCIENCE HAS NEVER
the plant, then came into the matter that FOUND ANY IMMORTAL SOUL WITHIN
composed the plant and gave it life and made it MAN because there is no way for SCIENCE to
grow? -- and then at “death” leaves the plant and observe any such thing. There is no evidence in
continues to live elsewhere possibly in another the entire realm of scientific investigation of any
plant? such thing as an immortal soul that leaves the
Do YOU think there is some mysterious body at death, and that departs with all the store
source of life in the animals that lives apart from of knowledge that has been accumulated in the
the decayed carcass of an animal after death? lifetime of the individual. All that science has
Do YOU believe that man must proved is that individuals who have died on an
necessarily have a different source of life than operating table, and who have been revived after
plants or animals? No. And neither does science. a few minutes through heart massage after
Let’s consider the undeniable evidence quickly opening the chest, have known nothing
of science about what life is. about the intervening time! THEY HAVE
All living matter, in its simplest form, is “GONE” NOWHERE! They merely reawaken
protoplasm. So far as is known, every living on the operating table. If too many minutes have
material thing is composed of protoplasm, and elapsed, the deterioration of the brain is so rapid
apart from protoplasm -- SEPARATE FROM that the person is thereafter deprived of some of
protoplasm (of which HUMAN flesh consists his thinking faculties, and of his store of
also!) -- there is no material life manifested in previous knowledge. But certainly here is no
either plants or animals. The point is that the evidence of any thinking soul being able to exist
physical LIFE of man is manifested ONLY in apart from the body!
protoplasm, which is a viscous, translucent
substance composing the nucleus of cells of both
plants and animals, and also man.
The next important contribution of
science to the study of what man is, is the LAW
OF BIOGENESIS. This is the scientific
demonstration that all living substance, or
matter, arises only from other substance already
living. Life can come only from life. When life
ceases, the plant or animal or man becomes dead
matter -- inorganic matter.
Nothing is more certainly proved by
science than the utter impossibility of the
reappearance of life whether of plant, animal or
man -- in a resurrection through any powers
inherent within matter. That is one of the reasons
NO RESURRECTION. Science IS ABLE TO Artist’s diagram of a typical cell. All living cells are
OBSERVE ONLY WHAT IS MATERIAL. All made of “protoplasm,” which simply means “first
living material is mortal matter -- matter with a form.” There is NO material life apart from it.

DEATH -- Where Is Your Sting?
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