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Lesson 24 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 7
have since adopted the teachings of ancient the dead -- but only Yeshua the Messiah has left
PAGAN SPECULATION! full and complete testimony of what death is and
William Tyndale, the printer of the first of what lies beyond.
New Testament in English, and one of the Yeshua the Messiah is YEHOVAH
reformers, wrote: “In putting departed souls in God’s chosen spokesman -- the anointed one
heaven, hell, or purgatory you destroy the promised in prophets of the Old Testament.
arguments wherewith Christ and Paul prove the Unless he had revealed his knowledge to us, we
resurrection....The true faith putteth the would have had no possible way to find out what
resurrection; the HEATHEN philosophers, man is, what death is, and what lies beyond! And
denying that, did put that souls did ever live. And unless you accept his revelation of that
the Pope joineth the spiritual doctrine of Christ knowledge, you have NO basis whatsoever for
and the fleshly doctrine of the philosophers any knowledge or belief as to what you really
together -- things so contrary that they cannot are!
agree....And because the fleshly minded Pope No other book, besides the Bible, claims
consenteth to heathen doctrine, therefore he to be the recorded revealed Word of YEHOVAH
corrupteth the Scripture to establish it. If the soul God the Creator. Only the Bible has the
be in heaven, tell me what cause is there for the complete and INFALLIBLE record of YEHO-
resurrection?" VAH God and the Messiah’s testimony about
Even Lange’s Commentary admits: life and death.
“The doctrine of the immortality of the soul, and Here are the Messiah’s own words: “I am
the name, are alike unknown to the entire Bible" He that liveth, AND WAS DEAD" -- the
(Olshausen’s comment on I Cor. 15:19, 20). Messiah, then, has returned from the dead, come
Then why do most Protestants today back to life to REVEAL what happened ON
believe the doctrine of the immortality of the THE OTHER SIDE OF DEATH. “I am alive for
soul? Because they, too, have been deceived by evermore," He continues, “and have the keys of
the speculations of the ancient pagan hell [Greek “hades” -- the grave] and of death"
philosophers! The Bible is not the source of the (Revelation 1:18).
religion of Protestants any more than of The Messiah has the keys of the grave
Catholics or Jews! Christianity today is little and of death. There is nothing that can be hid
more than the name of the Messiah attached to from him, or kept back from his power! He now
the traditions and customs and beliefs of the has ALL knowledge; SCIENCE can only reveal
ancient PAGANS! PART of the truth the Messiah knows. Yet
Now is high time you opened your own science can contribute something. What do
Bible to see what the Word of YEHOVAH God experiments lead scientists to believe?
man really is! TERIAL SUBSTANCE -- matter, force, energy.
Matter is either inorganic or organic -- dead or
YEHOVAH God Reveals What Man Really living. Science knows of no life apart from
Is! matter, because science is limited entirely to the
material world that can be weighed and
Only one man has ever returned from the measured -- what can be perceived by the five
other side of the dead and left an senses. All that a man can know NATURALLY
unchallengeable record of what the other side of IS MATERIAL.
death is like. That man is Yeshua the Messiah! NO SCIENTIFIC AUTHORITY BE-
Others may have momentarily died on an LIEVES THAT LIFE IN PLANTS OR
operating table, or even been resurrected from ANIMALS IS A SEPARATE ENTITY WHICH
DEATH -- Where Is Your Sting?