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Lesson 24 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 11
originally made of dust? Genesis 3:19. What Is the LIFE of Man?
Since the man, and not merely the body, is
composed of dust, then it is the man who dies MAN IS A living, BREATHING mortal
and returns to dust, isn’t it? Ecclesiastes creature -- a NEPHESH, or living soul, in whose
3:19-20. Is this passage a part of Scripture? How nostrils is air, sometimes mistranslated “spirit.”
much of Scripture is given by inspiration? II Let us understand the function of the breath of
Timothy 3:16. Then this passage in Ecclesiastes air that goes into your lungs. The blood flows
IS INSPIRED, isn’t it? through the wall of the lungs on the way back to
COMMENT: Some contend that this the heart, as it is pumped through the veins and
passage in Ecclesiastes is merely what arteries of the body. The breath of air, upon
SOLOMON thought, but that it is not the truth. contact with the surface of the lungs, gives up
The Bible plainly proves this idea false. oxygen. This oxygen is absorbed into the
7. Now what does Ecclesiastes 3:21 ask? bloodstream, and is quickly burned up in
Does this verse make a positive statement, or creating the energy needed to keep up body heat
does it rather ask a question? and other functions of the internal organs and
COMMENT: Notice that in this place muscles. The LIFE OF MAN IS IN THE
the Bible refers to “spirit” as common to both BLOOD, and the blood needs the breath of life to
man and beast. This word “spirit” comes from keep the body active and alive.
the Hebrew word “ruach” and is translated 28 1. WHERE DOES THE LIFE OF ALL
times as “breath”: for example, in Genesis 6:17; LIVING CREATURES RESIDE? Genesis 9:4.
7:15, 22; Lamentations 4:20. The same word is Is the life of man and animals found in the
translated 90 times as “wind” in the King James BLOODSTREAM? -- or in an immortal soul?
Version. It is the “breath” which is common to 2. Do we find the same definition of life
both men and animals. Notice that regarding this in Leviticus 17:11 and 14?
breath both men and animals die the same death. 3. Does Deuteronomy 12:23 corrob-
8. Does Solomon answer the question he orate this?
asked in Ecclesiastes 3:21? Turn to Ecclesiastes COMMENT: In these verses, the
12:7 for the answer. Does this Scripture plainly Hebrew word NEPHESH is translated “life.”
say that the conscious man -- composed of dust The word NEPHESH or soul, then, can mean
-- shall return to the earth again? And what either the FLESHLY PART of man or the
happens to the spirit -- or breath -- that was LIFEBLOOD of man.
breathed into the man? Does it return to 4. Did the Messiah make his soul an
YEHOVAH God who gave it? When did offering for sin? Isaiah 53:10. How did he
YEHOVAH give it originally to the first man? accomplish this? Verse 12.
Genesis 2:7. COMMENT: The Messiah gave him-
COMMENT: While a man is still alive, self for our sins (I Corinthians 15:3) -- offered
the Bible speaks of his breath as being in the up his soul or body to be crucified, and allowed
hand of YEHOVAH God -- “In whose hand is his lifeblood or soul to be poured out!
the soul [“nephesh”, material, physical life] of 5. When a person dies -- becomes lifeless
every living thing, and the BREATH of all -- what happens to him? Ecclesiastes 9:5. How
mankind" (Job 12:10). In other words, when a much do the dead know?
man dies, whether he be wicked or righteous, he COMMENT: Since the dead are not
gives up his BREATH to YEHOVAH God conscious of anything, then man is NOT born
again. with an immortal soul which would be aware of
9. Is man like the beasts that PERISH? things happening around it after man’s fleshly
Psalm 49:12. body dies.
DEATH -- Where Is Your Sting?