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P. 17
Lesson 25 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 17
the flames of the lake of fire surrounding him, And many of the condemned will, like
which he KNOWS will DESTROY HIM the rich man, want their relatives warned, not
FOREVER. Being in great MENTAL agony, he knowing that all will ALREADY have had their
asks for just a LITTLE water to cool his tongue chance to be saved (Luke 16:27, 28).
which has become dry from his MENTAL How clear that the PARABLE of
ANGUISH. He does not ask for BUCKETS “Lazarus and the Rich Man” DOES NOT
FULL of water to put the fire out. An IMPOSSI- PROVE ETERNAL PUNISHING by YEHO-
BILITY, he knows. VAH God! Rather, by this parable, the Messiah
3. What will Abraham then answer the was preaching the GOOD NEWS of SAL-
rich man? Luke 16:25, 26. VATION!! He was picturing the RESUR-
the two will be the DIFFERENCE between inheritance of the Kingdom of YEHOVAH God
mortality and immortality. Those who are made on this earth forever.
immortal shall never die because they will be The Messiah was also picturing the
born of YEHOVAH God (Revelation 20:6). alternative of eternal life -- ETERNAL DEATH
Abraham and the beggar will be on the IN THE LAKE OF FIRE -- if we don’t accept
IMMORTAL side of this gulf -- the MORTAL the GOOD NEWS of how we may be saved, and
unrighteous rich man on the OTHER, facing ACT upon it!
eternal death by fire.
What is “Hell”?