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14 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 25
YEHOVAH God created man in His REFUSE to obey it! It should bring the somber
own image in order that man might develop holy realization that unless we SURRENDER to
character so YEHOVAH could entrust him with YEHOVAH’s will and His way of love, and
the precious GIFT of ETERNAL LIFE. Notice refuse to let ANYTHING turn us aside,
that YEHOVAH offered Adam and Eve LIFE on YEHOVAH will TAKE AWAY forever the life
one hand, and death on the other. He has given us!
If an individual rebels against YEHO-
VAH God, is unrepentant and unteachable, then “Worm That Dieth Not”
YEHOVAH knows he would also ABUSE
ETERNAL LIFE! If given eternal life while in A startling statement is found in Mark
this SINNING CONDITION, he would bring 9:44, 46 and 48. In these verses of Scripture, the
misery on himself and others for all eternity by Messiah spoke of a worm that “dieth not." Who
his wrong ways. Certainly the KINDEST ever heard of the immortality of worms?!
THING YEHOVAH could do is NOT give this Some people think that Yeshua was
person eternal life! referring to PEOPLE as worms and was trying to
The gift of ETERNAL LIFE for say that these “people” never died -- but lived on
obedience -- and the reward of death -- in AGONIZING TORMENT. Those who say
this fail to notice that Yeshua does
not call the wicked PEOPLE
“worms,” but instead speaks of
THEIR worm. A similar statement
is made in Isaiah 66:24 in which
“their worm” refers to the “worm”
of the “carcasses.” Since it is the
“worm” OF the wicked, then the
wicked themselves CANNOT be
the “worms.”
The Lexicons define the Hebrew
(Isaiah 66:24) and Greek (Mark
9:44) words translated “worm” as a
grub or MAGGOT.
The Messiah was not teaching
the immortality of people OR
worms! Notice what Yeshua really
ETERNAL DEATH -- for disobedience are
stressed all through YOUR BIBLE. Only this is meant.
consistent with the Scriptures, and with If anything, especially a dead body,
YEHOVAH’s plan and purpose -- and His landed on a ledge above the garbage fires of
character of supreme LOVE! God will not, “gehenna,” it would be devoured by many
because of His infinite LOVE, take away WORMS or MAGGOTS which were kept alive
anyone’s life because of ignorance or weakness, by the animal and vegetable substances
but only if they WILFULLY and KNOW- deposited there.
INGLY refuse to obey their Creator. It was to these worms that the Messiah
The warning of “hell fire” should be a was referring when he said, “their worm dieth
FEARFUL WARNING to those who know not.” But the Messiah didn’t mean that each
YEHOVAH’s truth and still stubbornly individual worm continued to live forever!
Actually, these maggots come from eggs
What is “Hell”?