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Lesson 25 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 15
deposited by flies. Here is the cycle. These eggs may receive the GIFT of eternal life, and not the
give rise to larvae -- MAGGOTS -- WHICH wages of sin which is death (Romans 6:23).
EAT FLESH and other garbage. They continue This death will come by a fire which YEHO-
in this form a few days, then go through a change VAH God will not permit to be quenched -- BUT
called pupation, and finally emerge as flies. THE WILL BURN ITSELF OUT by consuming this
WORMS DON’T DIE -- THEY BECOME earth’s surface, and all of the wicked who will
FLIES! then become nothing but ashes (Malachi 4:1).
These are scientific facts, known by any If we will HONESTLY search the
real student of science. And yet some people scriptures and LIVE by them, we will most
think that the Messiah IGNORANTLY stated certainly inherit eternal life.
that these larvae continued to live FOREVER in
that stage of development! This just goes to Lazarus and the Rich Man
show that we should always be careful to use
wisdom and common sense in studying Yeshua’s PARABLE of Lazarus and the
YEHOVAH’s Word. The holy spirit is the spirit rich man (Luke 16:19-31) is perhaps one of the
of a SOUND MIND (II Timothy 1:7). Let’s most -- if not THE most -- outstanding texts used
rightly use the minds YEHOVAH God gave us! by those who seek to prove there is a fiery hell in
The Greek word which was inspired, and which the wicked are suffering excruciating
translated into the word “worm” in Mark 9:44, torture today.
simply means a grub or maggot, and is a Exactly what did Yeshua intend to
COLLECTIVE expression -- like “fish” or illustrate by this PARABLE? Let’s get the facts
“deer” -- for worms that devour dead matter. straight!
These worms do not die, but pupate and become 1. Did Lazarus -- a poor but RIGHT-
flies. Later, these flies, like all other creatures, EOUS beggar mentioned in this parable -- DIE?
WILL return to the dust from which they came. Luke 16:22. Was he carried by angels to
“ALL are of the dust, and ALL turn to dust “Abraham’s bosom”?
again" (Ecclesiastes 3:20). COMMENT: YEHOVAH God gave
In Isaiah 66:24, we again find that the Abraham and his “seed” the promise of the earth
inspired word simply means a common grub or a for an eternal inheritance. If we are the
maggot. These worms or larvae also feed on the Messiah’s, we are considered by YEHOVAH as
dead bodies for a few days, and then emerge as Abraham’s seed -- children -- and are thus also
flies. Thus, these worms “die not” but continue heirs with Abraham to receive this promise
to develop into flies just as any normal, healthy (Galatians 3:29). Through FAITH we may all
maggot! The flies continue to deposit their eggs become “CHILDREN OF ABRAHAM”
ONLY AS LONG AS there are dead bodies or (Galatians 3:7). This is an INTIMATE RE-
other matter for the larvae to feed on. LATIONSHIP -- a close or bosom relationship --
How utterly RIDICULOUS and to Abraham. We are to be in CLOSE CONTACT
LAUGHABLE IS the idea that worms have with him in SHARING this promise. It is like
immortal souls! Ecclesiastes 3:19 shows that being TAKEN TO ABRAHAM’S BOSOM
NO LIVING CREATURE IS born with an (Luke 16:22). And so RIGHTEOUS Lazarus
immortal soul. was taken to Abraham’s bosom in this parable.
The Bible is one book that makes GOOD When, then, did Abraham actually
SENSE! So let us always carefully study these receive these promises? The startling answer of
perplexing scriptures through, and not jump to Scripture is -- HE DIDN’T! -- HE HAS NOT,
our own conclusions. EVEN YET IN OUR DAY, INHERITED
Let’s live by YEHOVAH’s Word so we THESE PROMISES!
What is “Hell”?